111 Mirozdanie


        Mirozdanie ( Universe ) created by higher intelligence –  это идеальная система многомерного пространства не имеющая точки начала и конца это бесконечность в макро, micro space and time, it's all, that around and within us, There is not dependent on us, It is in continuous macro, micro movement, in certain periods which, apart, in each space, there is a change and transformation. The entire system of the universe operates according to immutable ideal automatic dynamic algorithm universe ( HUMAN ).
.       higher intelligence, by ADAM matter and managing elements of the universe of matter (the universe) put into effect in the infinite time and space.
.    When? Where? It is not known! By whom? Universal Mind, which is infinite in time and space!
.     Based on the available perception of elements of the universe, as well as the known processes, that occur in the universe, in Figure 1 provides an intuitive graphical model plane existing universe, ниже путем описания представлена объемная модель мироздания.


Доступные восприятию элементы мироздания:
1. Вода ее свойства уникальные, (Ссылки о воде: научные; гипотеза), для пояснения модели Рис.1. используется публично опубликованные снимки Фото 1 и Фото 2.




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