AT. Zelensky

Independent System Expertise candidate

election program


I'll tell you about their dreams Ukraine.

Ukraine, where only shoot fireworks at weddings and birthdays.

Ukraine, where business can be open in an hour, get a passport - for 15 minutes, and to vote in elections - a second online.

Where no ad "Work in Poland". And Poland is the ad "Work in Ukraine".

Where a young family is one trouble - choose an apartment in the city or country house.

Where doctors and teachers receive real wages, and corrupt - real terms.

Where is untouched Carpathian forests, not MPs.

Where grandmother gets decent pension, rather than a heart attack to account for communal.

Where grounds appointment are mind, education, talent and conscience, not this, children baptized together.

Where roads are, and fools - no.

This - Ukraine real and the dream. Ukraine in the near future.

Ukraine, which returned.

Ukraine, which we will be proud of and appreciate, and all the rest - to know and respect.

Ukraine - from which our children will not go.

Now that, How to do it.

they, I present to - not just my program. These are my values. This is, I believe in and it is ready to serve.


Democracy through Referendum

Just want to assure you - go for one term, To change the system for the future.

Trading principles, reputation, country for the sake of power will not. I honest and loyal and Ukraine before it in the hands of a new generation of politicians.

I recall, what will people, expressed in a referendum 1 December 1991 year - gave Ukraine as a state. Since we did not have referendums, where people would decide something.

My first bill: "On Democracy". In it we fasten together mechanism, according to which only people of Ukraine will form a major task for the government through referendums and other forms of direct democracy. In contemporary Ukraine it should take place with the maximum use of new technologies.

Man - the highest value

State for Human, and not man for the state. Respect for human dignity should be the basic principle of state activity. Reforms should contribute favorably to Everyone, not in ten families.

My goal is to build a state, providing quality service to its citizens. You need to minimize the number of state functions.

Less state in life, more people in public life!

Justice and equality before the law

Justice - a basis of trust in society. No confidence - no state.

28 years we promise equal opportunity society, while each share us on various grounds. In fact there is only one division: we are. We - a nation Ukraine. They - a "political pensioners', who wander from government to opposition, the party and the party always creates a favorable place, hiding behind the immunity.

Promote equality and justice begin with itself. My laws in this area: "On removal of immunity of the President of Ukraine, MPs and judges "; "On impeachment of the President of Ukraine"; "The withdrawal of MP Ukraine".

No "crusts", no "telephone law". The inevitability of responsibility and fair and lawful punishment - the basis of fair Ukraine.

Elections to Parliament and local councils must take place by open lists. "Knopkodavstvo", "Parliamentary absenteeism" - automatic grounds for deprivation of the deputy mandate.

The judicial branch of government should come to power, rather than a servant of the President, government, Parliament, local authorities. We will restore the trust and respect of court. For simple disputes - magistrates, elected by the people. For criminal offenses - an effective jury, which consists of people.


Security Man. security

We must win the peace in Ukraine. Before guarantors for Budapest memorandum and EU partners stavytymemo question we support Ukraine in an effort to end the war, return temporarily occupied territory and force the aggressor to compensate damages. Delivery areas of national interest and not be subject to any negotiations.

Professional army has become a school of leadership and freedom. Army service should be prestigious, where acquired skills and knowledge will be successfully applied in the real economy. The budget for the army must cease to be a "feeder" for the "armchair generals", and should provide decent service and development soldier.

Movement of Ukraine into NATO and other security organizations - the key to our security, which I believe, and which should receive confirmation via national referendum. My task is to make sure, to wage military was at the NATO standards.

Law enforcement authorities must stop an economic pressure on businesses and return to the performance of their duties to ensure the safety of citizens. Time to restore confidence to the police, we cherished the early reform. Security is not an economic crime.


Wealthy citizens - prosperous state

The main purpose of my work - wealthy Ukrainian. Our choice - Economy, focused on the needs of every citizen.

All year government artificially created situation, in which honest to do business in Ukraine for the entrepreneur would be impossible. Therefore, we will introduce a one-time "zero declaration" for business. Every businessman for 5% can declare and legalize their income. The funds will be used to reduce the tariff burden for poor. After the "economic purgatory", everyone will get a chance in the future honestly to do business in the country.

The priority task of economic development: legalization of the economy, free competition, development of domestic production, cheap long-term loans. I, as President, I guarantee every major investor, which will come in Ukraine.

Taxes will be simple and clear. Replacement income tax tax on capital derived business will give more freedom to develop and reduce the administrative burden. Paying taxes have all.

State Budget should be the people's treasury, not the system desires MPs.

Formation of a transparent land market.

Ukraine should move to secure their needs from their own energy, subsequently becoming an exporter to European market.

It is necessary to implement economic Ukrainian passport. Every child shall have the right to accumulate in your account the state of implementation of the natural wealth (bosom, land, etc.). Upon reaching adulthood, these child will accumulate as its own start-up capital. Ukrainian should be the main shareholder of Ukraine!

The largest country in Europe can not be the poorest.


Not fighting corruption, and victory over it

"Not vkradi!"- the main commandment against corruption.

Zero tolerance for corruption at all levels. Suspected corruption will come bail. Convicted of corruption and confiscation of property will receive a lifetime ban to hold public office. Tale of corruption will be protected by the state and receive financial incentives. I did not steal anyone not let!

Anti newly created anti-corruption bodies and High Court - the maximum state support for the effective performance of their tasks.

Fair officials will guarantee decent wages, open competitions for positions, high social status and national insurance.

My goal - the complete openness of the authorities, Public automation processes online, Built just functional state to smartphone size.

Goal: not to, deny, and who does not understand - put!


A healthy and educated nation

The medical profession and teachers should be prestigious and highly.

Hospitals and schools will receive modern equipment, update its infrastructure. Reduce administrative superstructure health care and education.

The most important step in health care - the transition to health insurance. The patient himself will determine the insurance program, choose the institution, doctor, method of treatment. Baseline insurance for the poor - by the state.

Medicine, which have been registered in EU and US, will not receive additional permits in Ukraine.

Great attention - preventive medicine. Diseases must be prevented, not treat. Program promoting healthy lifestyles. Compulsory free annual medical examination.

Education - the future of the nation! Primary education should form a happy child. General education - modern human knowledge. Vocational education - human, who can. Higher education - a man of the future.

We will introduce the principle of "money follows the talented students". Each school will receive an educational voucher genius, who can spend on training in any chosen by the institution of higher education.

Create all conditions, that public and private educational institutions received equal rights. The state ensures transparent and easy licensing, support and development of private education. We will open the Ukrainian market for the best foreign educational institutions.

The world is improving daily. Therefore, our principle - "education for life". Everyone will have a chance to improve their level to, which is popular on the market today.

Ukrainians - a nation, is studying!


Comfortable country

Ukraine should become a country, where it is convenient and comfortable for all.

Young - quality education, employment, space for self. Restore the program youth residential lending. Young entrepreneurs - government support and preferential taxation year.

The older generation - decent pensions. The transition from PAYG to a funded pension system. All insurance savings, made man for life, will not disappear in funds, and transform into heritage. We provide monetization of benefits and subsidies.

The country needs infrastructure overhaul. Construction of roads according to European standards, automatic weight control and vehicle speed, Recovery airports in every regional center, signing "Open Skies" EU, elimination of monopoly transport - my priorities.

For even regional development we stop focusing central government in Kiev. The government must see the problem locally, and not from the windows of their offices Kiev. It will raise improvement in the region and give a chance to local employment.

We will create conditions, that people, who departed the world, would wish to return home. "I want to leave" we substitute "want back".

Ecology of the country - is an investment in future generations. The introduction of European standards for industrial and food production. Ukraine has become a global ecological food supermarkets.

Sorting and recycling, rejection of plastic, control deforestation, pollution of rivers, black soil exhaustion - our contribution to the future of the country.


E country

The state will provide all residents access to fast internet. We will promote the development of digital literacy, regardless of age.

All information about the formation and use of budget, tenders, procurement, Auctions will be available to all. Public processes will be automated, because the computer does not take bribe. Services, which may be provided electronically, priority will be implemented.

Citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to be involved in important decisions authorities via the Internet, including to vote in elections and referendums.

Ukraine has every reason to become one of the largest hubs for startups and high tech industries.


Let's face. Ukraine, which 28 years was built hands "professional statesmen", today is simply uncompetitive in the world. Current policy related to old images, cronyism, business projects, not able to change Ukraine.

Ukraine today needs not only new faces. It needs new ideas! My main task - to bring to power of honest and patriotic professionals.

We must change and vary by country. We must take responsibility and set an example for future generations. We must all unite, who, regardless of gender, speech, of faith, nationality just loves UKRAINE!



answer P. Poroshenko for a public debate.


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Comments: 3public: 274Registration: 16-10-2015

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