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WITHвятошинсьtoа районна в місті Києві
03115, m Kiev-115, etc. Victories, 97



10.10.2014 №107-107 / OP / KO-1306 / 1-2559

person 87. and others

St.. Klavdiyivska, 40b, kv.87,

m. Kiev, 03164

About consideration of the collective address of inhabitants of can on street. Klavdiyivska, 40b


Святошинською районною в місті Києві державною адміністрацією, within the limits of the given powers, the collective appeal of the residents of a residential building № 40b on Klavdiivska Street regarding the condition of the said building was considered, possible unauthorized trade and other issues.

За підсумками розгляду звернення повідомляємо наступне.

Відділом торгівлі, споживчого ринку та підприємництва Святошинської районної в місті Києві державної адміністрації встановлено, that an individual implements his entrepreneurial activity in the Oleksandriyska store – entrepreneur Kimlyk T. D., which submitted copies of permits, regulating activities in the field of trade.

В закладі ресторанного господарства впроваджує діяльність товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю «Панський трактир», whose director did not present the conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination. In this regard, to Holosiivskyi interdistrict department of the Main Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in. A letter was sent to Kyiv to take measures in accordance with the powers granted.

Зазначаємо, that the issue of resolving change (installation) mode of operation of trade and restaurant establishments does not belong to the powers of Sviatoshynskyi district in the city of Kyiv state administration.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 15.06.2006 № 833 "On approval of the Procedure for conducting trade activities and rules of trade services in the market of consumption of goods" (with changes and additions), the mode of operation of trade and restaurant establishments is established by the business entity independently.

Одночасно повідомляємо, that guided by the article 7 Of the Law of Ukraine "On citizens' appeals" and in order to resolve the issue of violation of the rules of silence due to the operation of shops and traffic near a residential building № 40b on Klavdiyivska Street, Svyatoshinsky district in the city of Kiev the state administration addressed letters from 19.09.2014 № 107-5597/08 and № 107-5596/08 to the District Department of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv and the Department of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv with a request to take appropriate measures in accordance with the powers granted.

Також повідомляємо, that the survey of building structures of a residential building № 40b on Klavdiyivska Street and the noise level in the specified building, in order to comply with state construction and sanitary norms of Ukraine, possible only with the involvement of a specialized organization.

У разі залучення спеціалізованої організації, The Sviatoshynska District State Administration in Kyiv will provide a representative of the administration to participate in the survey.

First Deputy Chairman Signature AT. Morozov

  • Якимєць 424-25-12
  • Вакуленко 450-18-07
  • Мужиченко 424-70-30

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