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Про звільнення TOB «Київський домобудівний комбінат №1

сплати пайової участі (contribution) у створенні соціальної та інженерно-

transport infrastructure of. Kyiv

According to paragraph 4.11 Procedure for determining the size of the equity (contributions) developers (investors) in the creation of social and engineering and transport infrastructure of. Kyiv, approved by the Kyiv City Council on 30.12.10 № 573/5385 "On the budget of Kyiv for 2011 year" (amended), including protocol Standing Committee of Kyiv City Council on budget issues and the socio-economic development of 18.05.2015 №22/47, Kyiv City Council



1. Subject to paragraph 2 This decision to release TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" from the payment of share participation (contribution) in the creation of social and engineering and transport infrastructure of. Kyiv, which arose in connection with the construction residential apartment buildings System "LED" with built-in and attached premises on the street. Klavdiyivskiy, 40 in Svyatoshinsky district. Kyiv totaling 15 063 730,00 UAH, namely:

– 1 turn: house №1 (total area of ​​apartments 5196,28 m) with built-in and attached non-residential premises (offices) total area 581,75 m for the sum 1 202 130,00 UAH; (House 40a, 30 apartments act №51, financed with budget Ukraine)

– 2 turn: house №2 (total area of ​​apartments 6054,30 m) with built-in and attached non-residential premises (offices) total area 682,40 m in the amount 1 403 290,00 UAH; (House 40b, 31 apartment Act №50, financed with budget Ukraine, state built apartment №4 with 31 apartment)

– 4 turn: house №4 (total area of ​​apartments 8050,66 m) with built-in and attached non-residential premises (offices) total area 569,69 m in the amount 1 669 860,00 UAH;

– 5 turn: house №5 (total area of ​​apartments 9188,68 m) with built-in and attached non-residential premises (offices) total area 564,69 m for the sum 1 856 230,00 UAH;

– 7 turn: house №7 (total area of ​​apartments 13219,63 m) збудовано-прибудованими нежитловими приміщеннями (offices) total area . 129,38 m in the amount 2 854 630,00 UAH;

– 9 turn: house №9 (total area of ​​apartments 11568,02 m) with built-in and attached non-residential premises (offices) total area 1139,38 m in the amount 2 585 740,00 UAH;

– WITH, 6, 8, 10 queue: Total floor area 13362,59 m (in T.C. embedded- Attached residential premises (offices) – 2744,28 m, technical facilities – 2160,32 m, parking – 8457,99 m) in the amount of 3 491 850,00 UAH.

– 2. Exemption from equity (contribution) in the creation of social and engineering and transport infrastructure of. Kyiv, as contemplated in paragraph 1 this decision, only possible when resolving property issues between Kyiv City Council and TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" to transfer TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" Main Department of Housing executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) 61 rooms at: m. Kiev, St.. Klavdiyivska, 40-BUT (act of №51 02.04.2012) and m. Kiev, St.. Klavdiyivska, 40-B (act of №50 02.04.2012), namely:

– 3. Failures TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" in the case of a claim №910 / 29610/14, that obeys the Commercial Court of. Kyiv on the suit TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" to the Department of Building and Housing of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), third person on the side of the defendant Kyiv City Council providing TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" Kyiv city council document, confirming the absence of claims TOB «Kyiv house-building plant number 1" property and non-property to the Kyiv City Council and executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) (including, but, not only, Department of Building and Housing of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration)) to transfer 61 apartment, as confirmed acts №50 and №51 from 02.04.2012.

– 3. Control over the execution of this decision to the permanent commission Kyiv City Council on budget issues and the socio-economic development.


Київський міській голова stamp / signature AT. Klitschko


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