AND. theological



Handling and. Theological to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko


About discus on TV about the embezzlement under the rule of the Orange power


I. Theological




Presidential candidates UKRAINE

Ina theological


PRESIDENT WILL models of transparency and accountability

I, Inna Theological, confident, Ukraine President, as the guarantor of the Constitution should be non-partisan and represent the interests of the Ukrainian people, rather than individual parties. I will assemble the Chamber and Ukrainian people will rely on it, NGOs and active citizens. My goal - to achieve democracy, direct democracy and the elimination of oligarchic parties.

I, Inna Theological, as President of Ukraine, guarantee, that occupy the post of President of Ukraine only one term. During this period will be destroyed existing corrupt system, destroyed the possibility of usurpation of power and created the conditions for real e-democracy.

I, Inna Theological, that will work, you, citizens of Ukraine have become prosperous and secure.

I, Inna Theological, plead hired the service of citizens of Ukraine and organize transparent and formal relationships authorities, including the President of Ukraine and his Administration, citizens. President of Ukraine is obliged to live in the presidential residence under public supervision, use only public communications and correspondence with the recording by technical means of life of the President of Ukraine.

WHAT OUR provide defense combat capability and tranquility

Our security system will be built on the basis of: professional and Army Reserve, social and territorial defense. Professional army Ukraine should be based on NATO standards, mobilization of youth, unprepared for modern war is not performed.

Volunteers and military, that defended the country against Russian aggression, to be released from prison.

Ensure the enactment of weapons. Free people should have the right to own weapons.

The refusal of any military-political cooperation with Russia for the release of Donbass and the Crimea.

Liberation of occupied territories of Donbass using UN peacekeepers.

Повернення Криму через побудову нової системи безпеки та контролю у Чорноморському регіоні разом з країнами чорноморського регіону.

WHAT BUSINESS make us wealthy

In economics, we do so, as profitable Ukraine, rather than external players.

The task of the President in the economy: безумовний захист права власності, implementation of the lowest taxes in Europe, State support of innovative economy, introduction of basic income citizens, the introduction of free competition and antitrust strict control.

Strict punishment Raiders and scams. Complete freedom in the business mandatory insurance business to third parties.

The introduction of taxation, in which Ukraine will have the lowest taxes in Europe: 10% - sales tax, 10% – на всі види доходів фізичних осіб, elimination of VAT, excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol products and luxury items, rent on mineral resources and mineral resources.

The introduction of compulsory basic income citizens of Ukraine due rent payments for land use, mineral resources and mineral deposits and rent for use of agricultural land.

We will ensure energy independence of Ukraine and tight control over natural monopolies. The price of gas and coal will make up the average price between the cost of domestic production and import price. This will significantly reduce tariffs for the population and the cost of energy for industry.

State support industry 4.0, high-tech industries, agriculture and military-industrial complex, basic and applied science.

Implementation of large-scale public infrastructure projects, which will create a large number of jobs and returned to Ukraine and migrant workers.

Development of IT technology and infrastructure for the formation of information society in Ukraine - the knowledge society. Software 100% covering the territory of modern communication system 5G and higher.

The development of the "silver" economy - the labor market, products and services for people age 45 and more.


Land for Ukraine – the same resource, as oil for oil-producing countries. We can not consider agricultural land as a commodity and have a market rent of the land. We create accurate inventory of land plots with real layout.

The state is to regulate and control rules of operation, treatment, play ground and pricing for rental.

Establishment of the National Agrarian Exchange, to become owners of agricultural production results.

Creation of the National Land Fund, which will bathe the earth in those, who wants to sell. Eliminate monopolies in agriculture.

It will be saved stratification Ukrainian agriculture: large farms, actual agricultural industry; farms, as the basis of agricultural sociopolises unite around a new community; domestic agricultural production, preserving the philosophy and way of life on earth, creating self-employment of rural citizens.

What financial accelerate our development

UAH, rather than dollar - our tool to achieve economic prosperity.

The cost of money in Ukraine will not be higher than the cost of money in the markets, we work, so credits will be available.

Interest-free loans for education and health services.

Public investment in local currency in infrastructure and innovation projects. The return of confidence in the economy and attract foreign-cash reserves population.

Plan repayment of external loans and foreign borrowing policy review.

Write-off of debt for foreign currency loans Citizens Program, which will take into account the responsibility of the National Bank of Ukraine, commercial bank lending and civil.



Each citizen is the owner of natural resources, land, water, forest and other natural resources of Ukraine, intellectual property, cultural and historical heritage, the proceeds of which will be distributed among all citizens of Ukraine.

Expanding the use of alternative energy sources. Massive Saving Technologies.

The introduction of mandatory standards for the treatment of industrial emissions and waste. Implementation of state programs recycling in an innovative way and quality of drinking water.

Strict penalties for deforestation and water pollution.

Investment in Education and Science will open us the way to peace

To begin with, teach that teachers of modern forms and methods of teaching. Significantly increase the salaries of teachers and lecturers, BECOME PROFICIENT that new practices and approaches to learning.

Creating school districts, as centers of communication community. The autonomy of universities. Reorganization of universities in centers of education and science.

The introduction of continuous education for adults.

The introduction of new conceptual and architectural forms kindergartens and schools: open, communication training, Creativity and doslidnytstvu.

Participation and Financing global research projects on the principles of public-private partnership. Exemption from tax expenditures for research product introduced.

CULTURE OF UKRAINE AS unity in diversity

Culture of Ukraine determines its roots and 135 peoples, living in Ukraine. Multiculturalism - a resource for building a common happy future. Public investment in Ukrainian cinema, literature, theater, music, architecture and painting.

I will do everything to create a Ukrainian political nation. Ukrainian political nation - a nation, in which every citizen of Ukraine, regardless of blood and origin, - Ukrainian.

Ukrainian language - State, language national identity Ukrainian nation. Language policy should provide a major investment in the development of modern Ukrainian language, and provide learning languages ​​of international communication: English and Russian.

Equality of citizens of Ukraine, regardless of gender, language of communication, religious beliefs, wealth, nationality, party affiliation, sexual orientation, social status, etc..

Preservation of cultural values ​​and historical heritage of Ukraine, construction tourism industry in Ukraine.

AS we become healthy nation

The first task - to free clinical examination of the public to check the status of public health. Government policy in the field of medicine will focus on prevention and early diagnosis. Health insurance will be introduced on the basis of electronic census data and clinical examination.

free will: having a baby, urgent care, first hit the hospital, treatment of preschool children, TB treatment, hepatitis, oncology, acute renal failure, orfannyh diseases and other diseases, requiring ultra-high cost.

Healthy lifestyle and the creation of appropriate infrastructure for sports and leisure - a zone of shared responsibility of the state and communities.

The state should take care of children and elderly, and all able-bodied provide maximum freedom in entrepreneurship and productive work.

The minimum pension to subsistence level.

Conversion of the consumer basket to real consumption.

Protecting us from bureaucracy: E-government

The introduction of e-government, яке забезпечить швидке отримання громадянином державних та муніципальних послуг без фізичного контакту з чиновником.

Building a unified system of decentralized control of all state and local electronic registers, excluding the possibility of illegal amendments and corruption.

Conducting Electronic Census. We have to decide: many of us, who we are and what we do, Ukraine to blossom.

Бюджет кожного державного органу та всі рішення органів державної і місцевої влади повинні бути в публічному он-лайн доступі. Начало формыКонец формы


The new rules provide for life in Ukraine few rules. But the rules are the same for all and strictly monitored. Responsibility for the crimes to be irreversible.

Appointment citizen without exception to all public office will be through open public tenders. Any citizen, elected to public office, will be required to give voluntary consent to, that in relation to it can be made operational-search actions without a court within 2 years after appointment.

Public entity, who provided false information in the income, subject to criminal liability and berufsverbot.

It will be introduced direct financial responsibility for the loss of civil servants, which suffered the interests of citizens it unlawful acts or omissions.

How will eliminate political corruption

Modern Ukrainian political parties are not parties in fact and is a source of total corruption in the country.

With the support of the Chamber will be Ukrainian people adopted a new law on political parties, that will provide value, program, Membership real and transparent funding. Will change laws on parliamentary elections and local government: liquidated threshold, The limit on campaign financing, banned political advertising and put the required political debate. Local deputy must be an active citizen, not a party functionary. New laws will provide for a procedure to recall deputies of all levels, а також Президента.



HOW ensure accessibility and honesty of Justice

Communities will elect magistrates, who will consider all the small civilian, criminal and administrative cases in the community. Magistrates will be elected for a term of 2 years. These new judges will reserve judges to higher levels.

Judges middle managers will be appointed for a period 5 years. Judges higher level are elected for a life term. Immunity of judges will be canceled and introduced mandatory public reporting of fortune.

The jury will provide justice in cases of serious crimes.

Will be eliminated monopoly in defense lawyers in court, except for criminal cases. Access to justice persons, rights have been violated, lack of payment will be guaranteed fees in cases to protect violated rights.


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