VP Klopotovskyy.

The election program of the candidate in Ukraine MPs in single-mandate constituency №16



Dear voters!

The newly elected President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskiy, its decision terminated the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the eighth convocation and scheduled early elections in the said council 21 July 2019 year.

So, we, in Ukrainian, a chance to choose a new member of the Supreme Council of Ukraine.

I, citizen of Ukraine, Born and raised in the village. Pysarivka, Yampolsky region Vinnytsia region, currently am the Armed Forces of Ukraine, without any doubt, decided to run from the constituency №16 and hope for your support.

If I elect deputies of Ukraine, I think their priorities:

promoting the elimination of the existing political system, which in the present conditions and protects the interests of oligarchic capital, and establish a, which will be the basis of democracy and human interests;

– creating conditions for employment of every citizen of working age. Particular attention providing first job graduates;

– ensuring state control over important sectors of the economy Ukraine budget-money and food prices, medicaments, children's clothing, shoes and other necessary goods;

– reducing the cost of passenger, train, air, water and road transport;

– bezvidvorotnosti introduction of penalties for the offense, regardless of material wealth and position in society offender (all are equal before the law);

– ensure adequate social and legal protection of servicemen and their families, pensioners, teachers, doctors and others, in need;

– provide an audit of all agricultural land, eliminate abuses and cancellation of illegal, conducted in this area;

впровадження державної підтримки сільських товаровиробників, attracting investment, допомога у пошуку ринків збуту сільськогосподарської продукції.

– directing funds to improve the roads, proper outdoor lighting towns and villages in the region, providing quality water to the population,

– facilitate the timely cleaning and recycling of waste, inventory of landfills and strengthen environmental monitoring of the environment;

забезпечення зниження цін на паливно–мастильні матеріали.

However, one of its main tasks to you, think – restoration of peace in the East.

Glory Ukrainian people, Glory to Ukraine. We will win!!!



________________ В.П.Клопотовський


Publication author

offline 4 hours


Comments: 2public: 236Registration: 17-05-2019

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