P. Poroshenko

P. Poroshenko

PROGRAM candidate for president UKRAINE

Petro Poroshenko

Great powers free and happy people


His way to a great purpose

In Ukraine there is the only way to maintain their independence - have become a great European country free and happy people.

Our mission - to join the EU and NATO. Only full membership in the European Union and NATO finally and irrevocably guarantees our Ukrainian independence, our Ukrainian national security.

The history of the twentieth and early twenty-first century has shown, that an independent Ukrainian state - a cornerstone of democracy, freedom and peace in Europe, as well as an important component of safety and security of the entire Euro-Atlantic community.

We - the country, which has significantly strengthened the eastern flank of NATO and defended against Russian aggression not only himself, but the whole of European civilization.

IN 2023 We are applying for EU membership, obtain and begin to carry out the Action Plan on NATO membership. Through membership in EU and NATO provide:

  • high standards of living of people;
  • the rule of law and equal rules for all;
  • assist in the economic development of all States and regions;
  • Access to the world's largest market;
  • safety and protection of the state, бо основний принцип НАТО – це «один за всіх, all for one ".

EU and NATO, we join as a country - a regional leader. Over the next 5 years, Ukraine has become:

  • leader of the agricultural sector in Europe;
  • one of five new global leaders in IT sector;
  • regional leader of industrial development;
  • transport hub of Eastern Europe;
  • one of the ten most visited countries in Europe under the slogan "Fashion Country, which opens the World ".

This is the way, which will help alleviate poverty and ensure order, welfare and safety of every Ukrainian.

The formula for success involves Ukraine Action Plan, based on the use of strategic advantages and Ukraine based on the achievements of the previous five years.



Міцний фундамент великої держави

For five years we have done, that has been done for years and decades.

We have laid a solid foundation for the development of the state - the foundation for Ukrainian success stories.

We revived army, Russia has suspended the aggressor and hinders its. Strengthening of the Armed Forces, their modernization and equipment of the latest models of arms and military equipment remain our absolute priority. It, among other, gives impetus to our science and industry.

We will complete the creation of dense missile and air defense. At the time - radical modernization of the Ukrainian Navy and Air Force.

We will raise the level of welfare of our troops, extend support to families of combatants.

The criterion for the success of the reform of law enforcement agencies will trust them citizens, sense of security and a real opportunity each.

Ukraine has established itself as an influential participant in international relations, an important center of international diplomacy. We have developed a strong transatlantic coalition in support of Ukraine. International sanctions against the aggressor securely attached to the full de-occupation Ukrainian Donbas and Crimea Ukrainian, and all our citizens and territory are back under the sovereignty of Ukraine.

We defended our European and Euro-Atlantic choice and proved, that European and Euro-Atlantic Ukraine - the key to stability and security in Europe.

We signed the Association Agreement creating a free trade zone with the EU. EU share in our exports exceeded 42% continue to grow. We broke through the Russian trade blockade, refused to purchase gas from Russia, not let the aggressor country to strangle us economically.

We got a visa-free EU, which has benefited more than two million Ukrainian. More 10 million received biometric passports.

No state, which is not a NATO, now has such close relations with NATO, Ukraine is a.

The economy after several years of decline, caused by Russian aggression and economic blockade by Russia, почала зростати завдяки зусиллям влади з макрофінансової стабілізації. Інфляцію знижено вчетверо порівняно з 2015 роком. The hryvnia is stable for several years.

These efforts give, finally, go to the restoration of life and begin the attack on poverty.

Through decentralization revenues of local budgets increased more than threefold. This made it possible to deploy large-scale road repairs, reconstruction and construction of new schools, hospitals, infrastructure.

Created by independent anti-corruption bodies. Completed the formation of the Supreme Court anti-corruption. Following the example of our neighbors in the European Union anti-corruption bodies should eradicate corruption at the highest level. Meanwhile, the introduction of income and wealth declaration officials at all levels, prosecution of corruption, the withdrawal of the shadow government procurement and the elimination of corruption schemes are allowed to send hundreds of billions of hryvnia budget.

We protect their language, invest in supporting Ukrainian culture.

Tomos of autocephaly Orthodox Church became our spiritual act of independence of Ukraine.

Peace - a complete restoration of territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. World - Moscow is unquestionable recognition of our right to run its course.

We will continue the line to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the return of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions and the Crimea political and diplomatic means, providing pro-unity coalition in the world, Using the tool of sanctions and mechanisms of international UN mission throughout the territory occupied Donbas.

For repression and humiliation of our citizens in the occupied territories, for damages invader country will assume responsibility and will have to reimburse them through international legal mechanisms.

We will continue to do everything possible to return home all our citizens, have become hostages of Russian aggression - as in,, and the occupied territories it Ukraine.

All of creating a solid base for the realization of our vision - the transformation of Ukraine into a large successful country free and happy people.


Від подолання бідності до сталого розвитку

Poverty - the main task, the implementation of which depends on the fulfillment of our vision of Ukraine as a great power happy people. We must focus on social support for the poorest segments of the population, such as the lonely elderly, persons with disabilities, large families.

For us the main thing - everyone, her happiness, the possibility of free self-realization and decent life. Therefore, the basic principle of our policy is the "money follows people". This applies to education reform, and changes in health care, and social protection policies, and any other reforms. Ми продовжимо децентралізацію як основу всебічного розвитку громад і регіонів.

Суттєве зниження податкового навантаження розширило можливості роботодавців для підвищення заробітних плат працівникам. We will continue this policy, in particular through the replacement of taxation of corporate profits tax on the withdrawal of capital from the country.

Our goal is the safety of owners and property rights and investment. That is - the criterion of success in the reform of the regulatory system of economic relations.

Rising wages will help continually improve also retired, providing them with a decent standard. We will increase assistance at birth and child care, especially to families, raising three or more children.

We harmonize the structure and content of our education and research with European standards, training structure will result in line with the needs of the economy and the requirements of competitiveness of the country.

Investment in education directed to increase salaries of teachers and lecturers, as well as the possibility of their continuous professional development. In particular, it is about learning advanced techniques from abroad obligatory use of knowledge acquired in Ukraine. We will promote the involvement of Ukrainian schools in the English media.

Across Ukraine will start an ambitious program of repair of health facilities. Complete medical reform, aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of health services, including in rural areas, to raise salaries to physicians.

Continue support policy of the Ukrainian language as the only state. Extend support cultural projects - the movie, music, books and other areas. It will be supported by the development of local cultural institutions, which will be a modern center of community development.

We provide active support for civil society, create funds to promote community initiatives.

We will do everything, to protect freedom of expression and journalists' rights.


Прорив та якісні зміни в економіці

Our strategy of transition from a deep crisis and the struggle for survival to sustainability is based on the sectors, де ми можемо вийти на лідерські позиції. They will be the breakthrough points, which will push the country forward. They bring money order, To ensure tangible improvement of living standards of people.

П’ять стратегічних пріоритетів дадуть потужний поштовх нашій економіці. When they can attract billions of dollars of investment. Their implementation will create hundreds of thousands of jobs with decent wages, will help create jobs in related industries, strengthen demand and provide impetus for tens of thousands of small businesses. This will reduce the level of Ukrainian labor migration, create incentives to work in Ukraine.

Increasing world population creates a huge niche for Ukraine as a global agricultural leader. But real leadership is only possible if, when exporting processed products will significantly exceed the sale of raw materials. It is the establishment of processing plants, infrastructure for agricultural producers and protect the rights of owners aimed initial steps for the development of agricultural sector.

IT sector has helped Ukraine to increase the share of creative class, which is important for stability, the stability of the economy and the country as a whole, democracy. But, To become a true leader in this sector, from services and outsourcing, We will promote the transformation of the creative industry sector with a constant increase in its contribution to the national economy.

In the industry focus on high-tech industries with high added value. Traditionally in Ukraine were strong and there are aircraft and space industry, shipbuilding, defense industry.

We will direct efforts to attract investment and promote exports of products with high added value. A separate priority - to support Ukrainian science and promoting closer cooperation with the real sector.

For, To realize the potential of Ukrainian economy, should turn it into a transportation and logistics hub in Europe. This requires the modernization of transport infrastructure. This money will be spent, and national, and international infrastructure funds, and private investment.

Improved infrastructure will advance, in particular, and for the tourism industry, which is a powerful engine for local development. Literally, Each community has a unique opportunity to create, attractive tourist route - around natural attractions or unique historical monuments. The world just now discovering Ukraine, тож можемо увійти до десятка найпопулярніших культурно-туристичних напрямків у Європі. Since tourism is a huge market for SMEs, will support initiatives, aimed at developing tourism opportunities.

The formula using our strategic advantages, focus on development priorities, that will enable progress to ensure quality throughout the economy, give perspective city and village, every community. Decentralization policy will continue.

This will fill the state and local budgets, will provide an opportunity to raise public sector wages, pensions, social benefits. This strategy will bring us closer to social criteria for membership in the European Union, to build a country free and happy people.

Ukraine is Europe.



03.02.2019 p.


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