Clarification of News

Explanation legislation Ukraine.

1. In accordance the norms Constitution of Ukraine:

The norm of Article 3Man, her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value.

Human rights and freedoms and their guarantees determine the content and direction of the state. State responsible to the person for their activities. The establishment and protection of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state.

Rate Article 6 – State power in Ukraine is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

Legislative bodies, executive and judicial branches exercise their powers within the limits established by this Constitution and in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.

Norm Clause 8"In Ukraine, the principle is recognized and applied human rule»;

Provisions of Article 19 "Public authorities and local governments, their officials shall act only on the basis of, within the powers and in the way, що передбачені Конституцією та законами України». (This applies to all branches of Ukrainian power)

2. In accordance regulations ЗУ № 580-VIII from 02.07.2015 p. The National Police: in force, поточна редакція — Version from 01.01.2017, basis 1774-19, 1801-19

Article 1. National Police of Ukraine

1. National Police of Ukraine (further – police) – is a central executive body, which serves society by ensuring the protection of rights and freedoms man, combating crime, maintaining public security and order.

2. The police directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with law.

Article 2. Tasks of the police

1. WITHThe tasks of the police are to provide police services in the areas:

1) ensuring public safety and order;

2) protection of rights and freedoms man, and the interests of society and the state;

3) combating crime;

4) provision within, determined by law, services of assistance to persons, that personal, economic, social reasons or because of emergencies requiring such assistance.

Article 3. Legal basis of police activity

1. У своїй діяльності поліція керується Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, this and other laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and published in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, other regulations.

3. In accordance regulations Постанови КМУ від 15 June 2006 p. N 833 On approval of conducting trading activities and trading service rules on the consumer goods market:

Claim 12. On the facade of the store розміщується вивіска із зазначенням найменування суб’єкта господарювання. At the entrance to the shopping facility located in a prominent place About operation.

4. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On regulation of urban development":

Norm Article 28 «Тимчасові споруди для провадження підприємницької діяльності п.4 Розміщення тимчасових споруд для провадження підприємницької діяльності здійснюється в order, established by the central executive body, providing public policy in the field of urban planning " ( it: Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine (further MRRBZHKH))

5. In accordance до ЗАТВЕРДЖЕНОГО Наказом МРРЖКГ України 21.10.2011 N 244 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 22 November 2011 p. за N 1330/20068 Procedure for placement of temporary structures for conducting business activities:

Norma p.1.12. При розміщенні ТС take into account all existing planning restrictions, provided construction standards.

6. In accordance the norms Law № 1704-VI of 05.11.2009 p. On building codes: Документ 1704-17, in force, поточна редакція — Version from 05.01.2013, basis 5496-17

Article 2. Scope of the Law

1. Дія цього Закону поширюється на суб’єктів господарювання незалежно від форми власності, які провадять будівельну, urban planning, архітектурну діяльність і забезпечують виготовлення продукції будівельного призначення, as well as for public authorities tand local governments.

7. In accordance building regulations issued MRRBZHKH, namely, DBN V.2.2-25:2009, « Підприємства харчування (Institutions restaurant business)"is set:

п.1.1. These standards establish requirements for the design of new and, reconstructed, catering (institutions restaurant industry, further – WP schools), located in buildings, standing alone, comprising the multifunctional houses and other buildings appointment, Built and prybudovuyutsya to residential buildings.

P.5.1.6. У житлових будинках допускається розміщувати вбудовані або прибудовані підприємства харчування (Institutions WP) capacity not exceeding 50 seats, with mode of operation to 22 years (accordance with CH 3077 ) and DBN V.2.2-15 without orchestral accompaniment.

p.5.1.7 Not allowed to place catering (Institutions WP) in adjacent areas of residential buildings.

5.2.2 On the land should provide clear zoning, with the release: areas for visitors, if necessary, to the area for seasonal Extra tables outdoors (according to 4.1.1); industrial zone, which may include farmyard with access roads for trucks, discharge area, adjacent to the warehouse group, bin, rest area for staff; Parking for private vehicles. When designing embedded and adjoined catering facilities (WP schools) it is necessary to distinguish local area residential building and site catering (WP institution)

P.5.2.8 Stone, which posted catering (Institutions WP), should located not less than 6 meters from the red line. Distances between houses catering (WP schools) and other buildings (residential, community, manufacturing) should be made taking into account fire breaks by DBN 360 and other Sun. (Violation p.5.1.7, p.5.2.2p.5.2.8 can be analyzed on - plan scheme which was added to each hit to the executive)

8.In accordance the norms «Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses» Документ 80732-10, in force, поточна редакція — Version from 07.05.2017, basis 1812-19

Article 182. Violation of laws and other regulations to protect people from the harmful effects of noise or observance of rules of silence in settlements and public places

Article 255. People, які мають право складати протоколи про адміністративні правопорушення

У справах про адміністративні правопорушення, що розглядаються органами, зазначеним в статтях 218 – 221 this Code, протоколи про правопорушення мають право складати:
1) уповноважені на те посадові особи: органів внутрішніх справ (National police), articles 181-3 – 185-2.


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