Construction Ukr.gos.

The people of Ukraine need to clearly define priorities – what? Where? how? When? – I need to do to build the state for the people of Ukraine. Для строительства нужна иметь четкую структурированную информацию о количественном составе социальных групп и их признаках при этом нужно иметь выводы от анализа всего пути человечества от зарождения до конечной цели окончательного строительства государства для народа Украины. Only on the basis of the above information, and induced her presence can build a state for the people without repeating the negative experience 28 year of construction Ukrainian state. That having such information and using algorithms, laid the basis for network planning and system of digital, possible to build a state for the people, in the shortest time, at minimum cost.

Правообладатели ниженаведенной информации портал ЧАЭСВ в.т.ч члены команды “ze”

There are not too educated and there are too illiterate, has informed and uninformed, the relationship between human beings and must be carried out on the equality of rights of all, it is and must be the basis and laws of modern society the third and subsequent millennia.


Legislative elections, Executive, judicial authority control

  • P.S.


  • P.S.

executive management

  • selection, arrangement, personnel training
  • Medical services
  • Workplaces, population employment
  • Provision of pensions
  • Housing provision of population
  • Education
  • Culture
  • internal security
  • external security
  • Domestic policy
  • Foreign policy

court management

  • P.S.

Publication author

offline 3 years


Comments: 0public: 20Registration: 09-03-2016

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