The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine

On the Elimination of War and the Military conflicts

Liquidation of the military conflicts and their prevention on planet Earth in the third millennium is obliged to be carried out diplomatically through dialogue at the international assembly of delegates from all states of the planet Earth, including unrecognized states located on the territory of a military conflict, the main governing document of the assembly must be the natural right of a living mother

War, especially modern for the date 2022 years with the use of nuclear weapons able to destroy the living matter of the planet Earth, this link for information about nuclear statesbrother and their nuclear potentials.

Modern warfare from a person with sound logic

War is an anomaly of humanity, living on planet earth, this conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of the development, a social society that is accompanied by military conflicts including world wars on planet Earth. War, including military conflicts, is an anomaly of living matter, matter that is endowed with intelligence. In a war, the subject organizer of the war is not important, and subjects participating in the war, there are two reasons - the main one is the consequences of the war associated with the violation of the basis of human existenceright to life established by natural law, the second reason is the very fact of the outbreak of war - as a result of unsatisfactory diplomacy with elements of violation of the interests of the parties to the subjects, participating in the war in the third millennium.


The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine

The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine, The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine.

Throughout the existence of mankind, (people), On the Earth, between people happen an infinite number of armed conflicts. Armed conflict – it is a conflict between the people who are going on with the use of weapons to human destruction. Since the advent of the States, between and within States have been many armed conflicts, dubbed "War"And"Civil War» —

War - it is a conflict between states or group of states which occurs with the use of weapons for the destruction of human, irrelevant facts, laid the foundation of a military conflict, matters involving facts in a military conflict and the armies of all the resources of States on the war.

Civil War - is engaging in a military conflict of citizens of one state using the state's army on its territory or military units, resulting in the state against the backdrop of civil conflict of interests between citizens or between citizens and the state. The duration of the civil war depends on the intelligence and power of governance systems of the medieval type, as well as interference in the civil military conflict of one or more states of the planet Earth by supplying arms, including through expeditions limited contingent of armed groups, involved in a military civil conflict on foreign territory.

A war in Ukraine, it was possible to avoid, it occurred on the basis of political unsystematic, it can be stopped, Once and for all, lay the foundation for its future not in repetition, a single method -

1. Analyze all the facts, without exception,, who held to the emergence of war and have caused it to continue, to draw conclusions as to the facts, which caused the war and its continuation, develop a program to eliminate the facts of war and its continuation.

1.1. Data, have caused War in Ukraine in April 2014, what kind of war? its causes, and to continue?, ways to halt and no recurrence in the future? – They will be explained below –


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