NSE electoral process in Ukraine

During election campaigns, held in Ukraine 21.03.2019g, 21.04.2019g, and elections to be held 21.07.2019g. Was held “Independent examination sisstemnaya”, (NSE), CHAESV, all programs of candidates and political parties, NSE process requires a systematic analysis of not only the effectiveness of programs candidates and parties to obtain the final result, но и анализа всей системы государства Украина с учетом менталитета и стереотипов народа государства, if you aim at on the basis of findings from the NSE creation of the system of governance of the algorithm functioning in the public interest of the people, each individual.

For this reason, it decided not to publish NSE programs candidates and parties, and the use of materials drawn NSE for the phased publication in real time – NSE electoral process in Ukraine –

During the election period in the power of the Ukrainian state, каждый кандидат и каждая политическая партия принимающая участие в выборах предоставляют избирателям свою программу.

All programs virtually the same content, they usually make the information:

The names of the subject, participating in the electoral process.

introductory part, explaining the purpose of participation in the electoral process.

Lists the shortcomings of the existing system of the state and intent (promises) to eliminate them.

During the election campaign, within the prescribed period, candidates and parties to campaign among voters, which consists of a number of waste, тривиальных по содержанию, повторяющихся операций апробированных на всех предыдущих выборах, held in Ukraine for 28 summer:



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