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War as a social anomaly[1]

Humanity, existing in a state of constant for each individual's personal inner conflict and social antagonism, apparently, He does not know any period in its history, which can be called a period of "absolute peace". In the evolution of people destroyed and destroys their kind more and more sophisticated and large-scale. The author is aware that, that the presence of external (and occasionally internal) threats to put people in a desperate situation, in which had participated in the war. The author is in no way detract from the (because it is not a cosmopolitan) the merits of all the heroes, those who died for their homeland. Moreover, the author considers it necessary to emphasize their extremely negative attitude to unilateral Russian peacekeeping initiatives, similar to those, that took place in the last years of the Soviet Union in the post-perestroika period. Our country has been and remains an object of geopolitical attention all over the world and attention is, more often, negative character. Russia should be given to the problems of their national, including military-technical security exceptional attention. But in this work questions, which relate to philosophical problems, arising from the very nature of war. Besides, The author proceeds from the conviction, that all people, actually participated in combat operations, It has always been and remains one the most cherished dream - to live in peace, to live, so that no one and never (especially children and grandchildren) I did not know the horrors of war. Unfortunately, War is still a lot of people, if not most,, It is perceived as a social norm, rather than as a social anomaly. Is it correct? Is there really that logical and moral reasoning? On this subject, the author wants to share their thoughts, that, possibly, in something (in view of their subjectivity) and wrong.

modern man, that is, the spiritual man, striving for creative self-realization, Alas, also kills, as well as a reasonable man. But a reasonable man can use his mind and evil, and did not develop into a truly spiritual being. Therefore, the spiritual man is still different from "just" Homo sapiens, which the, apparently, in the process of development precedes it,- desire to do, and not simply exist comfortably. Spiritual man can not write, write, paint, etc., that is, not to think about eternity, ïrracïonalnom, having no obvious practical use and meaning.

I think, in this regard,, you can make quite a logical assumption, that the entire history of human civilization - is the story of evolution is not a homogeneous society. World society has never been an organic whole, combining exceptional people (among the apes were always people degraded, as well as a non-human). apparently, the phenomenon of serial killers, pedophiles, necrophilia and other things like them - it's not even the phenomenon of degradation or disease of the human person, this phenomenon is a special generation of humanoids, who have not passed the stage of spiritual birth and is quite normal and sane moral values ​​and in their intellectual, aesthetic system,- misanthrope. It is also possible to state, that the manifestation of deviation from all sorts of people, degraded people and bad people is not the same. A mentally ill person is helpless and weak-minded, but calm and krotok. Mental illness nonhumans and humans degraded expressed in mental illness, accompanied by violent insanity.

apparently, to a certain period of its development, the essence of the human mind characterized by the heterogeneity (his dismembered): mind of the Spirit acted abstractly, the soul is not fully formed with the body of a unique harmonious whole, Spirit does not fill the soul, mind (at least, highly developed) absent in the brain. In this way, spirituality, as a particular substance has not yet been born a man, that it did not allow mankind to create its highly organized society, and progressively develop in all spheres of social life. This process began with the appearance of not just human, endowed with reason, but also endowed with consciousness and more, which became the basis of spirituality[2].

Spirituality has always been characterized by, both positive, and negative manifestations. At the heart of the destructive evolution of any society, manifested in all spheres of social life, It has always been and still is - a destructive spirituality[3]. One of the clearest manifestations of the degradation is the desire to solve the problems of the society by means of violence - war. At the same time it is also important to understand, that man is not static, he constantly (throughout his life) or develops, or degraded. This is due to his spiritual condition, his state of mind. A person can be reborn in nonhumans. In non-humans may be born people, people - not people. For natural person - to use their intellectual potential, not only and not so much in order to ensure their well-being, many seek to do, that brings satisfaction not only to him, enjoying the opportunity to bring joy to people around, helping them to solve everyday sense-and human life issues.

Yes, man fighting, but the spiritual man does not want to, Though forced to fight. Yes, it must be protected, because his instinct of freedom (Academician I.P. Pavlov[4] He preferred to call it "freedom reflex") and self-preservation instinct dictate the need to act that way. But even in this case, life itself, more precisely the physical self-preservation, reinterpreted by people in all the world religions and is not considered more valuable, rather than the value of the spiritual self, the pure soul of self-preservation, not tainted with lies, hatred, theft, enviously, especially killing etc.

religious, in particular, Orthodox Christian thought rightly identifies the person with the highest manifestation of transcendental forces, which are present throughout the, penetrating all spheres of human existence, in the center - he man. Bishop Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) He noted in his writings, what: "Since the fall of man is connected to the story of his spiritual activity with a history of mental activity of the Angels of Light and Fallen Angels: the cause of their struggle and an endless battle became man "[5]. Himself the divine image in man is the unity of reason and moral, He "is in the mind, from which is born, and which contains the idea, and from which emanates the spirit of "[6].

How and why the spirit, in that case, if it really is an integral part of human nature, becomes negative or positive nature, and why multi-faceted abilities of the mind are used by man to kill their own kind? These are questions without obvious answers. However, the mere presence of mind and spirit, that is, human consciousness and the possibility of constructive and destructive changes in the variability of their mental activity people,- clear. abnormal deviation, pursuing human civilization Millennium, and therefore perceived by people to some extent as a definite rule, from a similar attitude to them cease to be anomalies in the social life. And one of the worst anomalies, do not allow humanity to enjoy the wonders of our beautiful planet - this is war, perverted understanding of progress and morality!

Does humanity need progress, which many politicians and scientists have linked it to the war; progress at the cost of thousands of, hundreds of thousands, and private and in the lives of millions of ordinary people and very talented, women, elderly, children, whose genius, possibly, allowed to make a great discovery and, Consequently, more successfully develop the whole of humanity, if there was no war? I think all people, that way people with a capital letter (the author does not accept the domestic concept of "normal people", for, of course, people may be abnormal, that is, mental illness, but this is from the field of medicine); So in People (except briefly sincerely misguided) the answer to this question is unequivocal - no! Multiple - no. This progress is the spiritual and, ultimately, scientific and technical regress, disastrous for mankind. The author is not in doubt, that the world society will be more to successfully develop, if we abandon the wild, but familiar to many stereotypes: War helps people to develop. Not, War leads us to the final completion of the mortal, and for most people the spiritual life, that is, an end to the life of the spiritual component of man. Just one wrong move of modern politicians and military, and Peace (does not state, but our environment) will not. Is not that the main evidence, that the war - a global sense disastrous, but, so, and an abnormal state for the people.

During the war, the best die, better go ahead, forgetting their own interests and in fact the value of his life. Creativity nations undermined, though war and forces to protect and to focus surviving talent on solving specific problems, that sometimes leads to certain success. That concern for "physics", which were held in high esteem after World War II, It allowed the Soviet people, the first to conquer the cosmos. However, the neglect of the "lyrics" (With rare exception deserved), ultimately, It led to the destruction of the USSR. Death first ideological, spiritual, and then to, political-territorial legal. The consequences of the destruction of the Soviet Union are all familiar - global instability, a never-ending series of local wars and conflicts, which can develop into world drama.

In the current geopolitical environment the task of politicians all available forces and means to avoid war. The author's position is clear and. Kant, who noted the fact, what: peace among men state, to neighborhood, It is not the natural state (for society, which dominated the idea of ​​Homo sapiens, but not a spiritual man - auth.); last thing, conversely, there is a state of war, ie. if not the incessant hostilities, the constant threat to their[7]. Simultaneously, it should be noted, that there is an anomaly, apparently, therefore, the great German philosopher emphasized: Consequently, a state of peace must be established, that can take place only in the legal status[8]. AND. Kant rightly argued: "The concept of international law as the right of war can not be thought"[9]. Consequently, a ban on the war should be fixed in the generally accepted rules of international law. At the moment - it, of course, unlikely to lead to real, positive results. Even in the event of such legislation, they will not be guided by. but, once you need to start, because in spite of the, it would seem that, insoluble contradictions, always remains a chance: 1. to settle international disputes by peaceful means; or 2. at least, limit the ways of killing each other by the refusal of the most dangerous weapons; but 3. in modern conditions more and take the war to cyberspace, or used for combat operations only robotic technique instead of people.

The author believes unacceptable claim now like G.V.F. Hegel, what: "The dispute between the states, because the special will not come to an agreement, It can be solved only by war "[10]. This position - a de facto denial of the right of humanity to humanity, proclamation of the right of people to withdraw from the obligations to be spiritual men (upbuilding). That such ideas and positions, their propaganda should be avoided in today's world, in the presence of nuclear, bacteriological, chemical, neutron weapons of mass destruction, which should be limited, and best of all to eliminate as a constant threat to life on Earth.

German researcher war to. Clausewitz argued: "The introduction of the principle of limitation and moderation in the philosophy of war itself is utter nonsense"[11]. Moreover, he stressed: "Some philanthropists can, perhaps, imagine, it is possible to artificially without much bloodshed and to disarm and crush, that this de it should gravitate art of war "[12]. So the author (since it is thereby philanthropist) claims, that the only way to save mankind - a move away from the practice of conflict resolution through war, or, at least, to limit the military potentials of states. However, this, of course, while utopia, but the fact is, that the war of the future - a war on the level of the psyche, war consciousnesses. Mind Control the enemy, his will, without use of physical force, material weapons - is the goal of future wars, justified by the logic of our scientific and technological development, which is largely already is realized geopolitical rivals Russia.

Once again, it must be noted, what, Unfortunately, War - is an inevitable reality of human existence, but this fact does not prove that, it is normal and, especially, necessary for the progressive evolution of human phenomenon. Trying to justify war, the more to seek moral meaning in it, even, if for some reason forced - it causes cynicism. The author believes, that there is no moral moment in the war, there can be. War - the universal sorrow and shame for humanity. At the same time, again it should be emphasized, it does not diminish the value of the feat of people, dying for their country. However, even considering sovereignty issues, the very existence of the state as free and moral whole, the author can not agree, that there: "Moral point of the war"[13], what: "It should not be regarded as an absolute evil"[14]. Search moral sense in a war which would be "fair" (defensive, liberation) it may be - it is to recognize the need for it as the best possible way to resolve conflicts, that is simply wrong, and, in fact, amoralnыm. Nonhumans provoke people to war.

War - abnormal phenomenon of human civilization, causing degraded consciousness of people and nonhumans, perverted understanding the essence of human existence. Therefore, to talk about crime, that the war - a necessary condition for the development of the society, its progress in various spheres of public relations. The war against the logic of human development - the spiritual (creative) human self-improvement in the field of ethics, aesthetics, intellectual activity. The spiritual man is obliged to understand, that the psychology of war must be eradicated from the minds of mankind. This explains why, that many scientists (eg, BUT. Einstein), whose research in fact led to the creation of different kinds of weapons of mass destruction, They expressed and are against any war. She - a social disease. This was said in the 30-ies of the XX century Russian writer and military historian AA. Kersnovskaya. At the same time, he was sure, that only: "Extinct mankind will be relieved of his illness - War"[15].Yes, really, still social life of mankind inevitably generates war. But unless it proves its absolute inevitability? Do people, avoiding cowardly pacifism in the days of ordeal for their Motherland, We should not be in the days of relative peace to strive to come to everyone's compromise: emaciated, but the world? If humanity is to survive, We all have to learn to negotiate in private not-local, but in general, globally!

Modern war with the old mentality, which states, that any problems should be solved through the use of direct physical violence,- a destructive way for mankind. Our civilization will disappear, samounichtozhitsя, if people do not keep degrading people and bad people to change their mentality. again, War - a social anomaly, very dangerous anomaly. Therefore, it requires a thorough study not only in terms of military sciences, but also more fully comprehensive philosophical sense. science (scientific knowledge) war - polemology[16] It should be the philosophy of war[17], studying this phenomenon, mainly, as an anomaly of the human civilization in all its mutating negative aspects. Only in this case, after research, and then in the whole of social rethinking the nature of war and the attitude to it, mankind really could still become an integral part of this beautiful and, until the end of the unknown, as the man himself, world.

[1] The article was published in the journal, recommended HAC Russia: "Social and Humanities" – 2010 g.

[2] Cm.: Tonkonogov AV. Ideological imperatives of ensuring spiritual security of modern society rossiysskogo // Socio-humanitarian knowledge, № 2, 2010. WITH. 110.

[3] Cm.: Tonkonogov AV. spiritual safety philosophy as a scientific discipline // Socio-humanitarian knowledge, № 4, 2008. WITH. 268.

[4] Cm.: Pavlov I.P. freedom reflex. SPb.: Peter, 2001. WITH. 69-74.

[5] Bishop Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). "The word of the angel". theological works. Collection of the thirteenth. ed. Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1990. WITH. 313.

[6] Bishop Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). Decree. op. WITH. 307.

[7] Cm.: And Kant. Perpetual Peace // Op.: a 6-ton. M., 1996. t. 6, with. 266.

[8] ibid.

[9] And Kant. Perpetual Peace // Treatise on Perpetual Peace. M., 1963. WITH. 162.

[10] Hegel D. The philosophy of law // Hegel D. op. AT 14 t. T. 7, M.-L., 1934. WITH. 351.

[11] Cm.: Clausewitz K. About war. M.: Gosvoenizdat, 1934.

[12] Cm.: Clausewitz K. About war. M.: Gosvoenizdat, 1934.

[13] Hegel D. The philosophy of law // Hegel D. op. AT 14 t. T. 7, M.-L., 1934. WITH. 359.

[14] ibid.

[15] A.A. Kersnovskaya AA. The philosophy of war. Belgrade, 1939. WITH. 17.

[16] Dictionary of Foreign Words. - 14 is ed. M.: Rus. dam., 1987. WITH. 387.

[17] philosophy: Textbook / Under. row. Professor. O. A. Mytroshenkova. M.: Gardariki, 2004. WITH. 30.


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