3.4-SES d. Kiev

1.Appeal 2.Answer 3. Analysis 4. Conclusions
Державні санітарно – epidemiological service of Ukraine
St.. Nekrasovskaya, 108, m. Kiev, 04053. wire. 044 486-54-86, tf 486 40 27
E-mail: city@ses.fi scs.gov.ua Код ЕДРПОУ 38259054
26.11.2015 4694 На №218/510 від 16.09.2015
Victory Avenue, 97. m. Kiev, 03115
State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate
b.r.. Lesya Ukrainka, 24-BUT, m. Kiev,
person 3
St.. Klavdiyivska,40-B, quarter. . m. Kiev.
Голосіївське міжрайонне управління
До Головного управління Держсанепідслужби у м. A resident of the apartment addressed Kyiv . , house №40-B on the street. Клавдіївськ Особа 3 з приводу неналежних умов проживання через відсутність, according to him, ventilation, sufficient insolation, the presence of a constant, during the day, шум та вібрації від роботи сантехнічних приладів і вентиляційних систем, шуму від гучних розмов та запаху диму від паління тютюну під вікнами квартири.
Відповідно до статей 14, 15 Housing Code of Ukraine, state control over the use, safety, the state of operation of the housing stock is entrusted to the executive committees (authorities) regional, local, district and village councils.
Постановою РМ УРСР від 26.04.1984р. №189, approved Regulations on the procedure for inspection of the state) of residential buildings in order to establish compliance with sanitary and technical requirements and which provides for a scheduled inspection of residential buildings and apartments. According to paragraph 3 of the specified Provision of inspection of a condition of premises is carried out by engineering- technical staff of housing and maintenance organizations with involvement if necessary, specialists of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service with the purpose of providing organizational and methodological assistance within the competence of the service and conducting laboratory- instrumental research.
Згідно н статтею 22 Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population executive authorities, місцевого самоврядування, enterprises of the institution, organizations and citizens are obliged to keep the plots provided for use or owned by them, territories and living quarters in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms. At the same time, the law does not provide for verification of their compliance by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.
Article 24 Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population” executive authorities, local governments within their powers, established by law, provide control over the observance of managers and officials of enterprises, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as citizens of sanitary and environmental legislation, rules of observance of silence in settlements and public places, other regulations in the field of protection of the population from the harmful effects of noise and other physical factors.
Згідно змін до Закону України “On ensuring the sanitary and epidemic well-being of the population”, introduced with the adoption of the Laws of Ukraine “On amendments to the current legislative acts of Ukraine to improve state regulation in the field of construction” and “On Urban Planning”, institutions of the state sanitary-epidemiological service do not conduct the state sanitary-epidemiological examination of construction projects, do not exercise control over the organization and conduct of construction works, do not accept completed facilities for operation, and therefore do not affect the shortcomings made during the design, construction and acceptance of the completed construction of the facility into operation.
З огляду викладеного, направляємо за належністю звернення Особи 3 для розгляду і вирішення поставлених питань через відповідні служби району і міста. In case of commission consideration, the specialists of the Holosiivskyi interdistrict Department of the Main Department of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in. Kyiv is ready to provide organizational and methodological assistance within the competence and powers of the service.
Начальник Signature O.M. Ruban
Tymoshenko 486 47 75

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1.Appeal 2.Answer 3. Analysis 4. Conclusions

1. View original photo; 2. findings; 3. legislative normalization.


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Comments: 3public: 274Registration: 16-10-2015

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