Navigation through the portal CHAESV

Posmottie vidio about navigation about Election of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 21.07.2019g

Watch the video about browsing the site CHAESV

CHAESV portal is a dynamic system, functions in real time so that all of its columns, pages, recording,miniatures, Menu subject to change, so they need to periodically review changes.

example links: true to all the portal, кликнув по выделенным частям вы перейдете на отдельные документы связанные общей темой. ссылкаThis is a trial system of codification associated with handling documents and answers in multiple attempts to solve the question of the termination of the total failure of the law power of g. Kiev, headed by a passenger accidentally end up in the cockpit, подробно об этом изложено в статье “Profession and its impact on the political activity”

На всех логотипах портала и сайтов ЧАЭСВ размещаются надписи и изображения (a photo, drawings), in the words of the text pages dedicated blue, certificate the presence of links to other related documents when pointing the mouse over them if the drop-down box with the inscription or image of a hand, значит есть ссылка, clicking on which, You will open the article, other materials.

Под логотипами портала и сайтов

logo portalIt is a menu bar with buttons, clicking on that, you can go to the portal site. Articles and portal sites are translated into any language in the world, (provisionally five), for this logo in the right corner there is a button, when you click a drop-down list with the name of the language. Translation realized if you click on the selected language

Правило навигация на компьютере по тексту Портала chaesv:

After clicking on the hyperlink you can return back in two ways:

1. “ago” нажимайте кнопки – ( Alt – (◄) to the left); ” Forward ” press ( Alt + (►) to the right);

2. PUteem hover over the icon . X + Enter, значок X находится в the upper right corner of the browser. nавигация между страницами и возвратами из текста дополнительной информации на сайтах осуществляется наведением курсора на or and Enter, arrow at the top left corner of the browser, также это можно проделать на клавиатуре компьютера ago ” ( Alt – (◄) to the left) ” Forward ” ( Alt + (►) to the right), press hold Alt кликнуть по ► (right) or ◄ (to the left) depending on the selected transition you.

If a visitor portal CHAESV found spelling mistakes in the texts, do not judge strictly for errors, think about the meaning of the above is better. Author text expounding, trust spell check program, причина в том, that his thoughts in the sense of the material, and that, what remains to be set out in future. Please report spelling errors, в итоге мы вместе ускорим и сделаем наш мир лучше для всех людей населяющих планету Земля.

ATMovie clip about the navigation about the elections of the Verkhovna Rada 21.07.2019g
Pcheck the video about browsing the site CHAESV

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