Three questions for the first referendum in Ukraine

  1. The basis of the state of the people of Ukraine, and natural right of living matter, each person of hotel, with equal rights for all the people of Ukraine, for violation of the rights of living matter, man, the offender is deprived of the right to life management function anyone and anything, held criminally liable.

-Yes-, -Not-

  1. Earth and all its natural resources in the territory of Ukraine belong to living matter, part within the norms of physiological consumption are lifetime collective property of generations of the people of Ukraine.

-Yes-, -Not-

  1. Power in Ukraine belongs to the people, management of collective property of the people, social processes of legislative, Executive, Judicial control of general elections the people elected, in every organ of the three age categories: from 18-40 years -1k; from 41-60 years -2K; from 61 years for life - 3k.

-Yes-, -Not-


Notes admin. CHAESV to the first question of the referendum

It is not strange! But, in Ukraine, where the source of power is the people, Article 5 constitution Ukraine.

Original language of Article 5 -

The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Ukraine is the people. The people exercise power directly and by public authorities and local governments.

The right to determine and change the constitutional order in Ukraine belongs exclusively to the people and can not be usurped by the state, its organs or officials.

No one can usurp state power.

People, who owns the right to the immediate management of the state is not able to exercise their fundamental right to direct control because, that there is, after the Constitution of Ukraine second in importance of the referendum Act. As a result, when managing the Ukrainian authorities, Ukraine for 30 year period sank to the bottom of civilization, destroyed its territorial integrity, in consequence of which in Ukraine there was a civil war, which has been going on for six years, so no need to criticize the former USSR, (leave it to historians), 30 year-old Ukrainian government is not fit to hold a candle to the former government of the USSR, that the Second World War, ended the worst war in human history 4 of the year, fully restored state infrastructure destroyed by the war, at the same time to 1 March of each year to reduce prices for consumer goods.

admin. CHAESV pragmatic attitude to the utopian idea – building communism, as well as to the processes 30 years of nation-building in Ukraine, including the existing social society which exists in the United States, it is not ideal, but there are better, what could humanity achieve during the period of its development in an anomalous era on planet Earth.



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