act of 18.10.2018


day control of Address: street Klavdiyivska. 40-6 "18" in October 2018 року м. Kiev

Basis: on the orders of the head of Kyiv City State Administration Klitschko. AT. from 21.09.2018 № B-13679

Committees composed of: top management inspector on appeals apparatus Kyiv City State Administration Prylypko S. M., Deputy Head of – head of the inspection department number 1 Management control of the construction of the Department of State Architectural control of. Kyiv of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) With Mosur. M., Chief specialist of the Department of Housing and Utility Infrastructure, of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) Buda and. M., Head of sector on work with condominiums, HBC and departmental housing Svyatoshinsky district in Kiev administration Dyadchenko A. AND., The Department trade Svyatoshinsky district in Kiev administration Yakymets A. P.

During surveys it was found: house number 40-6 on the street. Klavdiyivskiy built in 2012 year funded investors. 22.03.2017 in a building registered condominium "Klavdiyivska 40b". Said construction project belongs to V difficulty.

Given local area is home in good sanitary condition.

On the first floor of the said building functions store "Alexandria", which introduces business payroll Kimlyk TD, on the basis of which a certificate of title to real property owned residential premises of №1 on №4?. Mode-stop shop.

The room in which the institution operates restaurant business, belongs to the citizen Frost T. M. based on the certificate of title to real property. Entrepreneurial activity in this institution introduces FOP Badukin V. WITH. Summer terrace at the restaurant industry institution established in accordance with the information pass, issued by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), term permit expires 31.10.2018.

Apartment number 4 total area 38,8 sq.m. located on the second floor of an apartment house number 40-6 on the street. Klavdiyivskiy is in satisfactory sanitary condition. Said apartment Varivoda A. AND. were provided free of charge under the Law of Ukraine "On status and social protection and, are affected by the Chernobyl disaster ".


–Department of Building and Housing verify the apartment number 4 in apartment building 40-6 on the street. Klavdiyivskiy requirements, defined by law for apartments, provided to persons with disabilities and disability in the case of non-compliance to provide proposals on the possibility of exchange to another.

-(Condominium "Klavdiyivska 40", if not removal outdoor area after the expiry of permission to install it, apply in the prescribed manner to the Department of Municipal improvements on dismantling.

Act drawn up in five copies.

Commission members:

Прилипко І О Signature

With Mosur. M. Signature

Buda and. M. Signature

A Dyadchenko. AND Signature

A Yakymsts. P Signature


Publication author

offline 9 hours


Comments: 2public: 237Registration: 17-05-2019

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