Address to the President of Ukraine, National Reform Council in Ukraine,

President of Ukraine

Personally to Vladimir Zelensky 16.12.20g, future successor

National Reform Council under the President of Ukraine

Personally to Mikhail Saakashvili 16.12.20g, future successor

Michael! I am guided by Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine, I am proposing to discuss some issues, related to government reform Ukraine.

On the Internet resources - information is published in an abbreviated form, project under development, building the National People's Association (NGO), (third millennium states), in which power belongs to the people, state property management of the people in the interests of the people, people exercise power through a referendum, legislative bodies, Executive, Judicial administration of the state is formed from management personnel who have passed testing, and practice organized by the Confederation of the United Mind (WORK) using game theory on a fully functional NGO model. From frames, past games on a fully functional model that have received a positive assessment, candidates are being formed elected to government bodies, which KOR supports informationally before election day by voters, after the counting of votes by the election commission, KOR goes into opposition to elected government bodies, continues work on the formation of a personnel reserve in government bodies according to the above algorithm.

Regardless of the decision, including negative – won't stop work in that direction, however, a positive decision and dialogue can accelerate the development of NGOs, including the establishment of legal order in the state of Ukraine.

Contact by phone 094-821-73-89, (044)221-73-89 offer valid from 06/19/2020. to 27.06.2020.

Can't be considered normal, when to the specified phone 255-73-33, Help from the Presidential Administration, which is indicated in the section of the National Reform Council sounds the answer – there is no phone number to contact this structure. This answer is not surprising because, that when you call this phone you can get the only answer “no phone”.


The change of the medieval system of government with the involvement of professional personnel is the only way out of the impasse in which Ukraine found itself 29 flying period.

Krylov's fable “Quartet”

Moral Fables Quartet

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not good at musicians.

Material taken from the Site:

Prokaznitsa-Monkey, A donkey, Goat and crooked Bear
Started to play the Quartet.
Got notes, emphasis added, viola, two violins
And sat on a meadow under sticky –
Captivate the light with your art.
Hit in the bows, derut, but no use.
“Wait, brothers, wait! – shouting monkey. – The facilities!
How to go music? 'Cause you're not sitting like that.
You with bass, Misha, sit down against viola,
I, prima, sit down against the second;
Then the music will go wrong:
We will dance the forest and mountains!”
Sat down, started the quartet;
He still can’t find a way.
“Wait w, I found a secret, –
Donkey screaming, – we, right, get along,
Kohl next to sit”.
Obey donkey: sat gracefully in a row,
Still, the Quartet is in no way.
Here, more than ever, they went to the analysis
And disputes, to whom and how to sit.
Nightingale happened to fly them noise.
Here asking everything to him, to solve them doubt:
“Perhaps, – they say, – take patience for an hour,
To get our Quartet in order:
And we have notes, and there are tools;
Just say, how do we sit!” –
“To be a musician, skill is needed
And your ears are poorer, –
The Nightingale answers them. –
And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not good at musicians”.

Moral Fables Quartet

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,
Everyone is not good at musicians.

Fable Quartet – analysis

Talent is needed in all things, like calling. Hard work and training, rather than a way to present oneself beautifully, which collapses in an instant. Don't think, that the quartet fable ridicules only self-taught musicians, whose concerts are often – laughter and only, the work describes people, who do not take care of their affairs, the Nightingale speaks about this to them – master of his craft, that no matter how you friends sit down, musicians will not work out of you. Boastful and self-confident people consider, what business they will not undertake – they will succeed right away, and even in the best possible way, however there are such things, which require not only painstaking work, which some bouncers often don’t think about, but also talent.

Who does Krylov make fun of in this fable? Yes all the talkers, capable of words only, and not for business. They say and often compare fable heroes with politicians, incapable of taking specific actions or making important decisions, for which special knowledge and experience are required. Such ones arrange debates and submissions., what's the point? And only the wise Nightingale knows: good teamwork requires professionalism.

Children, based on their very little life experience, quickly sorted out, what is what, because boasting at their age is especially pronounced.

Fable Quartet – idioms

  • To be a musician, skill is needed.
  • And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, everybody is not good at musicians.

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