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WOW (Person 4) (Ye. 02 February 1944, with. Small Aleksandrovka, Great Alexandria area, Kherson region), by WebsiteЧоловік в аномальній ері самознищення та виживання” (CHAESV), of 1994. a person with a disability 3 groups, related to elimination of consequences of the Chernobyl accident, from 2018r. war veteran group 1b, on the musculoskeletal system, ампутація обох нижніх кінцівок.

1. Education

2. Employment

3. Elimination of the Chernobyl disaster

3.1.Місцева преса про перших ліквідаторів

4. Creative activity after 2010.



1. Education

1961 – 1961 — закінчив Харківську республіканську школу кіномеханіків, specialty, projectionist (1961), external 9 клас школи робітничої молоді

1962 – 1963 — закінчив загальноосвітню школи робітничої молоді, Secondary education certificate, specialty electrician 3rd categoryin.

1973 – 1979 — закінчив Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute, спеціальність «Автоматизовані системи управління», qualification engineer system technology (1979); (Д-1 №236059 – registration №49)

2. Employment

1962 – 1963 — електрослюсар з 3 by 4 category on average and major overhaul of excavators. (1-5 TC)

1963 – 1966 — строкова служба в Збройних Силах СРСР. (6-7 TC), (gunner machine gun (1and number), projectionist, Komsomol organizer, (innovative activities (health facilities))

1966 – 1971 — електрослюсар з 4 by 7 discharge, (10-19 TC), crew foreman electrician (innovative activities (automated production systems))

1971 – 1979 — технолог з 2 by 1 category, (20-22 TC), (розробка сітьових графіків прискореного впровадження виробництва transferred from under the border with China HP in depth USSR, and its production equipment systems), innovative activities (automation systems and production management systems (Development and introduction of management and enterprise single high-volume production))

1979 – 1980 — головний конструктор підприємства, (23-24 TC), (innovative activities (Development and introduction of management and enterprise single high-volume production))

1980 – 1988 — інженер диспетчер УБ ЧАЕС, (25-29 TC), (innovative activities (automated production systems (при капітальному переоснащенні підприємства) без зупинки виробництва продукції), (Development and introduction of management agricultural (pig complex in 12 000 heads))

1988 – 1989 — ведучій інженер конструктор спеціального конструкторського бюро діагностичної апаратури, (30-33 TC)

1989 – 1992 - Director NKHTS LDA (науково конструкторський госпрозрахунковий центру лікувальна – diagnostic equipment), (34-36 TC)

1993 1995 - Chairman of the Fund Chernobyl invalids Vatutinsky District, m. Kyiv

1995 2000генеральний секретар Міжнародної конфедерації інвалідів Чорнобилю

1998 – 2000 – dодатково, THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Ukrainian Confederation of Disabled, Internet resources, portal CHAESV

Internet resources, portal CHAESV


3. Elimination of the Chernobyl disaster 1986 year:

27.04.1986g, 8:30 Wai is present в красном уголке здании Горисполкома г. Pripyat (hereinafter - GIP) в числе первых руководителей Генподрядчика и субподрядных организаций строительства Чернобыльской АЭС приглашенных по требованию Председателя правительственной комиссии Щербины Б. E., who informed the audience about the appeal of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the occasion of the accident at the nuclear power plant, и надежды, that the accident will be successfully eliminated, а также Щербина сообщил про три этапы предстоящей ликвидации аварии на Чернобыльской АЕС (Further- CHAES):

  1. Localization of the accident center; (further - LOA ChNPP)
  2. Decontamination of territories ChAYeS; (further - DT ChNPP)
  3. Elimination of the accident at the fourth power unit of the ChNPP. (further - LA ChNPP)

Так же было сообщено о намеченной эвакуации г. Pripyat which will be announced 14:00 on broadcast g networks. Pripyat.

Therefore, it was suggested to those present about this information before 14:00 do not spread to avoid panic.

После окончания мероприятия в красном уголке в ГИП на первом этаже в кабинете комитета комсомола был организован первый оперативный штаб Управления Строительства ЧАЭС ( Further – OSH WATER CHASES), он же в соответствии с Order 1 from 27.04.2021. являлся штабом Гражданской обороны (OSH GO US CHAES) function p.4 Order 1 performed WAY because, that 27.04.86g 10:00 по 15.05.86г. Turcan LS. was on sick leave

US ChNPP general contractor of the all-Union construction of the USSR , associated with the construction of the Chernobyl NPP until 04/26/1986. с объемом строительно-монтажных работ (further construction and installation work) at 123 000 000 rub / year, в долларах 123 000 00 / $0,711 = 172 995 781 $/year. Этот объем СМР осваивали в течении год около 40 subcontractors of the USSR, almost all of them, including the general contractor in connection with the Chernobyl accident, by the decision of the Government Commission, were supposed to be activated from 04/27/1986. in LOA ChNPP under the coordination of OSH GO US ChNPP, however, in connection with the evacuation of the population. Припять в первые дни с 14:30, 27.04.1986g. until 05/01/1986 the management of these organizations was disorganized and LOA ChNPP was carried out by separate disparate groups of people from these subcontractors, including the general contractor, also from 28.04.86g. for this reason, at the request of OSH GO US ChNPP, about 3000 citizens from dwellers. Chernobyl . The main work at the stage of the ChNPP LOA was associated with the loading and unloading operations of the ingredients thrown by helicopters into the mine of the defeated nuclear reactor.

WITH 16:30 27.04.1986 p. by 14:30 13.05.1986p. was only one task on all and not any others – locate the destroyed atomic the reactor from the environment

Only for the first four days in which 96 hours, WAY worked out 77 hours (addition 13- 9), or 77 hours were spent on operational work at the Central Office of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, за цей час ВАЙ отримав дозу опромінення 78 March (annex №16) which is calculated based routing (MЛ) for the period 27.04.86 by 06.05.86r., ML was personally signed by the head of the Central Committee of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Kizima VT. this is the dose that is minimal at the time, завдяки визначеного часу перебування в пунктах на підставі чіткого планування та розрахунку з використанням інформації ОШ УБ ЧАЕС про дози радіоактивного забруднення місцевості та всіх пунктів 10 km. zones, (ML stored in the archive Central Interdepartmental Expert Commission (Flow Pusha)). Ml displayed – Date - The purpose of visiting Point A – travel time from point B to point A – Time in point A – time inverse movement from A to B.

During this period, VAI performed a defined function item 4 of the Order 1 from 27.04.1986 and additionally -

Coordinated and controlled -

Навантаження інгредієнтів ізоляції пошкодженого атомного реактору та їх перевезення с Жд. Vilcha and Zhd stations. station in Vyshgorod to the sites of loading them into the propeller m. Pripyat and to the airport near the village of Leliv, as well as loading sand into bags in m. Pripyat and m. Чорнобиль та глини в районі села Чистогалівка та перевезення їх на площадки загрузки гвинтокрилів.

On behalf of Kizim VT. організував облік всіх керівників УС ЧАЕС та Супідрядних організацій в м. Pripyat from April 27, 1986. by 30.04.1986r. and independently all without exception of employees who took part in the Chernobyl LOA from 01.05.1986. по 13.05.1986р. in. Chernobyl

On behalf of Kizim VT. returned all (partisan) з в/ч розташовану біля м. Kyiv, where drivers from all over the USSR were caught without exception, mechanisms who were at that time employees of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who from 27.04.1986. з переляку добігли до границі бувшого СРСР, which on the basis of military retraining were sent to this unit (in the guerrillas).

On behalf of Kizim VT. супроводжував доставку с Жд Вільча 14 освинцьованих автобусі ЛАЗ виготовлених по рішенню Урядової комісії для ЛА ЧАЕС.

link provided –

Of the Head of the Central Organizing Center of UB CHAES Kizima V.T.. UB structural units of Chernobyl, Chernobyl NPP, subcontractors;

Chairman of the Government Commission Scherbyna BS. between 27.04.1986r. by 30.04.1986r. with the director of ChNPP Bryukhanov VP;

On behalf of the head of the Central Committee of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant –

Controlled coordination and rapid removal of lead, on loading sites of helicopters at the airfield near the village. Lilies, from the railway station Yanov, due to the rapid increase in radioactive contamination of the Yaniv station (Yaniv Station is ~ 1,2 kilometers from the destroyed nuclear reactor);

Supervised and provided buses to evacuate Poleski and Ivanovo regions of Kyiv region UB Chernobyl workers living in hostels m. Pripyat;

Organized buses and evakuvav to Polesskogo bus station. Kiev seconded to the construction of Chernobyl personnel from other nuclear power plants of the USSR.

In the period from 27.04.1986r. by 30.04.1986r. –

Coordinated and repaired at night to addresses specialists arriving at eliminating accidents with other plants of the USSR:

Organized bus on behalf of the chairman of the executive committee of the Chief CO. Pripyat Voloshko VP. for export remnant not evacuated for various reasons residents. Pripyat to prevent looting;

Carried accompanied and supervised at night with the lead truck of m. Прип’ять на площадки загрузки гвинтокрилів на аеродром біля села Лелів, due to lack of control at night in m. Chernobyl was moving on transport route from the cities of the USSR – through m. Chernobyl – by the. Lelov and the airfield – to the city. Pripyat and then had to accompany him in the opposite direction from the city. Pripyat – to the airfield near the village. Lilies for unloading.

Provide personal protection of workers and bus drivers including dosimetry monitoring, and protection from iodine 131, potassium iodide tablets 2500 pieces of VAI received in the medical part № 126 in chief doctor in Leonenko. under the personal receipt, reason – with 16:00 27.04.1986p. by 30.04.1986r. in. Pripyat no longer had doctors to serve the liquidators.

To the known RV of Kyiv, and later in general to the Ukrainian authorities, what you need to know, що з 26.04.1986p. по 02.05.1986р. the direction of the wind was in the direction of Belarus, therefore, the pollution zone in this direction extended to 140km from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 02.05.1986p. the wind changed its direction and began to blow towards m. Києва до якого від Чорнобильської АЕС до Верховної Ради України 110km.

Only thanks to Nature and To the first Liquidators, які приймали участь у локалізації пошкодженого атомного реактора четвертого енергоблока Чорнобильської АЕС в період з 27.04.1986г. по 02.04.1986р., m. Kyiv did not become a resettlement zone in 1986.. On the date from 27.04.1986. по 02.05.1986р. the damaged nuclear reactor was sealed from the environment The first Liquidators, this is the first stage, about which few people know, its name - LOA Chernobyl about what authorities need to know and not to disgrace and not to destroy the remains of health of these persons with disabilities.

Регіональна влада м Києва (further - RV of Kyiv) violates the rights of a person with a disability by his / her non-legal activity, creates an atmosphere and condition for irreparable damage to the remains of a disabled person, людині яка цінної життя та здоров’я внесла вклад у припинення Чорнобильської катастрофи, on the most severe and large-scale catastrophe in the world, VAI refers to a person whose rights have been violated, та людей які при виконанні обов’язків не знищували матеріальних цінностей не убивали, not maimed alive, and saved them, чесно виконали свій людський обов’язок перед Україною та всім Світом.

The proposal to the authorities will learn to distinguish truth from falsehood, do not humiliate or mock those who indeed in nature localized the damaged nuclear reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986., because from the very beginning, equalization turned into absurdity and corruption, Чорнобильську катастрофу шляхом якої наплодили лжеліквідаторівліквідаторів та казнокрадів бюджету України.


period 7:30, 27.04.1986g. consisting of UB Chernobyl, 16:30, 27.04.1986 till 14:30 13.05.1986r.u part of the CO, (civil Defense), UB CHAЄS, with 14:30 27.04.1986g. these structures merged and named GS UB CHAYES, location and action in. Прип’ять та території прилеглої до Чорнобильської АЕС (ChAYeS) and of the AES.

The first operational headquarters of the Construction Chernobyl (OSH UK Chaus), was in the office of the Komsomol committee, всі інші штаби, включаючи урядову комісії Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR (UK PS PS PS) – у різних кабінетах адміністративної будівлі міському партії та виконкому м. Pripyat.

The first four have sutok 96 year, з них на протязі 77 hours (addition 13- 9,Table waste of time), м4 здійснював оперативну роботу по виконанню рішень ОШ УБ ЧАЕС та УК КМ СРСР та самостійно інші роботи пов’язані з локалізації вогнища аварії – 4 Chornobyl NPP, objective localization – isolate the damaged nuclear reactor from the environment.

Такий режим роботи м4 був пов’язаний з евакуацією працівників УБ ЧАЕС з міста Прип’ять та в наслідок пропускним режимом при якому заборонявся в’їзду на територію розташування ЧАЕС, по причині закриття інформації про Чорнобильську техногенну катастрофу на всіх рівнях влади СРСР.

For the first 77 hours M4 received dose 78 March (annex №16, Help irradiation) which is calculated based routing (MЛ) for the period 27.04.86 by 06.05.86r., ML personally signed the head of Osh UB Chernobyl Kyzyma VT. (ML stored in the archive Central Interdepartmental Expert Commission (Flow Pusha)). Ml displayed – Date - The purpose of visiting Point A – travel time from point B to point A – Time in point A – time inverse movement from A to B.

link provided –

Chief OR UB ChNPP Kizima VT. UB structural units of Chernobyl, Chernobyl NPP, subcontractors;

Chairman of the Government Commission Scherbyna BS. between 27.04.1986r. by 30.04.1986r. director of the Chernobyl nuclear Brukhanov VP;

On behalf of the Chief of GS UB Chernobyl –

Controlled coordination and rapid removal of lead, loading platform for helicopters at the airfield near the village. Lilov, from the railway station Yanov, due to a rapid increase in pollution radiaktyvnoho station Yaniv (Yaniv Station is ~ 1,2 kilometers from the destroyed nuclear reactor);

Supervised and provided buses to evacuate Poleski and Ivanovo regions of Kyiv region UB Chernobyl workers living in hostels m. Pripyat;

Organized buses and evakuvav to Polesskogo bus station. Kyiv trips to Chernobyl building personnel from other Soviet nuclear power plant construction.

In the period from 27.04.1986r. by 30.04.1986r. –

Coordinated and repaired at night to addresses specialists arriving at eliminating accidents with other plants of the USSR:

Organized bus on behalf of the chairman of the executive committee of the Chief CO. Pripyat Voloshko VP. for export remnant not evacuated for various reasons residents. Pripyat to prevent looting;

Carried accompanied and supervised at night with the lead truck of m. Pripyat loading platform for helicopters at the airfield sylom Lilov, due to lack of control at night in m. Chernobyl was moving on transport route from the cities of the USSR – through m. Chernobyl – by the. Lilov and airfield – to the city. Pripyat and then had to accompany him in the opposite direction from the city. Pripyat – to the airfield near the village. Lilov unloading.

Provide personal protection of workers and bus drivers including dosimetry monitoring, and protection from iodine 131, potassium iodine tablets. 2500 pieces received in medical part № 126 in chief doctor in Leonenko. under the personal receipt, reason – with 16:00 27.04.1986p. by 30.04.1986r. in. Pripyat was no longer sufficient number of physicians to serve the liquidators.


3.1.Місцева преса про перших ліквідаторів

(NewspaperTribune Energy 1986, о Лице 3)

…27 April dispatcher dispatching service of the Office of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant construction Face 3 I went on duty, succeeding AT. WITH. Batiouk (1998) who despite the fatal accident previous 26 April 1986. night, the mood was that neither have vacation (suitcase assembled, Stay in the pocket - Go, отды­хай).

The accident occurred 01:23:40 26.04.1986g. to change at that fateful night was the manager Alexander Varlahov, that morning 26.04.1986g. сменил VS. Batiuk (1998)

Vladimir Stepanovich Batjuk not leave dogulyal - called trouble, about the insidious effects of which he is going on vacation and did not know. (Currently Manager AT. WITH. Batiouk (1998) несет трудовую вахту в Чернобыле, fifth of the workload).

Putting up the dispatch service 7:00 27.04.1986g. located on the territory construction of the third line 5 and 6 Chernobyl NPP. All work on the morning of 26.04.1986g. on the construction of the third stage were terminated.

WITH 7:00 27.04.1986g. Operational headquarters FF Chernobyl accident elimination of organized 4 ChNPP (further -OSH FF), which has been placed on the ground floor of the executive committee g. Pripyat Komsomol committee room. The so-called "duty" in the OR CM Face 3 заступил с 7:00. Возглавил ОШ УС начальник УС ЧАЭС Кизима В.Т., инженеру диспетчеру face 3 поручено выполнять решения ОШ УС, решение было следующим – ensure the organization works on incoming material resources for subsequent delivery to the helipads, provide labor for of loading - unloading works with subsequent loading of materials in helicopters for this purpose to organize the transport of the workforce from the field of evacuation, provide, mechanization of loading-unloading robots, OR CSS provide operational information and operational link OR CSS with the heads of, которых насчитывалось около 40 organizations of national importance, who were engaged in the construction of the Chernobyl, and after the accident 26.04.1986g. participated in the liquidation of the accident. This operational communication in those days, in some cases, use and government commission headed Shterbina B.E, operational headquarters, which is located on the third floor of the Executive Committee Mr.. Pripyat indoors Secretary of Party Committee. **

Face 3 I left the OSH US, which is located in the r. Pripyat, only the 30th in the afternoon….

27-it in the first half of the day was the clear cruelty accident, singularity and complexity of the current situation. Emergency unit raged. needed tens of thousands of tons of sand, clays, lead these materials have been proposed by members of the government commission Academician VA. Legasov for localizing the reactor accident 4th Chernobyl nuclear power plant by casting a material into the shaft helicopters damaged nuclear reactor. It was necessary to organize the transport of the necessary construction materials to the site to cast their helicopters. Transport The trucking column (ATK) Trust "Yuzhatomenergostroya", most of, (almost all, ATK 500 meters away from the damaged reactor), I was in a highly radioactive zone, access to it has been almost impossible, в обя­занности диспетчера person 3 входила орга­низация транспорта, revealing its location, followed by the inclusion in the work. Bыlo hard, worked at the limit of human strength. To load sand bags were in the helicopters needed. Then deliver the bags to organize helicopters Gossnab. And in the first, the most difficult days of trouble, эту работу возглавил Face 3

AT (Saturday) Sunday morning at the headquarters of (снова же не без участия person 3 ) all the heads of departments were due to. Urgently had to organize people for loading and unloading. First stepped into danger Communists. Lofty words appeal was not: everyone knew – must.

Selfless work for loading sand at the pier of Pripyat and the leaders and subordinates. F. I. Shevtsov Party secretary of the Construction Department, начальник «Гидроспецстроя» AT. n. Neuchev, CHMU head in YUTЭM. D. Deygraf, DIC chairman CSS AT. F. Kurinnoy, chief mechanical engineer AND. 3. Grigirchik, Head diesel column ATC C. AND. Мар­ченко, A drivers. TO. Razumovsky. BUT. AND. Muzıçenko, BUT. Hoffman and many, a lot others.

At the direction of the government commission 27.04.1986g. at the railway station Yanov urgently delivered the first, boxcar with lead shot hunting, a few hours later cars with lead ingots, This material was basic strategic to isolate the damaged reactor from the environment. Railway station is in Yaniv 1,5 km from the damaged reactor. In connection with the evacuation of all the residents of g. Pripyat, рабочей силы катастрофически не хватало по объемам и масштабам развёрнутых и разворачиваемых работ.

came, The first machine with lead, for handling needed help. The aid arrived, the soldiers of the XYZ part. As commander later recalled, of 1200 soldier- must ” it was away 100 people - volunteers. the question: "The volunteers have? – вперед вышли все.

People, involved in the localization of the accident outbreak, it was necessary to provide special protective clothing. Procurement of working clothes and its subsequent delivery was assigned to dispatching service. the first 300 sets delivered to the destination column head diesel C. AND. Marchenko and Head YUEM management AT. BUT. Kazakov. KamAZ, in a complex radiation environment (costumes were in the room AVK-1), Clothing was taken to a safe place.

Courage composure in those early, труд­ные, insecure days of trouble and showed the chief engineer of the plant JBI H. AT. stalwart. Nicolai's own car delivered from a dangerous place 100 outfits and the "petals". And in the most difficult, incredibly difficult conditions, concern for people in the first place.

Only on April 29 Chernobyl DC headquarters headed by the Chief of the Office of Construction Vasiliy Trofimovich Kizim moved from Pripyat in Chernobyl, because people stay near crash focus in those days it was the most dangerous. He directed the work here, here as the previous, Vasily Trofimovich.

– I respected before the accident, the man. Respect for the principles, Literacy for his burning himself in. - warmly of VT. Kizime p . - Now, I respect him doubly. In those most difficult days he was still loyal to the cause, debt, team. Real man.

It just so happened, that the function of the entire construction of the dispatch service of the Office were reduced in those early days to face 3 (chief Manager L. WITH. Curkan 2014 while ill). In Chernobyl face 3 пришлось решать не меньше задач особой важности. reorganize service, staff complement, develop accounting records to form the shift personnel, develop routes of buses in Ivankov and Polesie areas (for transportation of evacuees here working).

Here face 3 большую помощь оказы­вали временные диспет­черы Василий Стамов, Vladimir Kuzyura, Head OTyZa Alexander Zavaliy,, dispatcher Natalia B. Abramenko, who was then the account group, personnel and equipment.

In the aftermath of the accident Face 3 приняли канди­датом в члены КПСС. Recommendation for joining the party gave him OPK Chairman AT. F. Kurinnoy, Head dispatcher service FF L. WITH. Curkan, Party secretary ATK A. AND. Gubskiy - time-tested Communists. Checked and general trouble Face 3 . He is worthy of being a communist.



lists of participants localizing the Chernobyl accident (will be complemented as far as possible)




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