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D. Burkov: our ideal – herd. we – professional aggressors

  • Oct. 17th, 2015 at 7:16 PM

Excerpts from the memoirs of the great Soviet actor – Georgy Burkov.

Written quarter of a century ago, but relevant today:

BurkovVictory in the Great Patriotic finally collapsed Russian. AND, naturally, It allowed the Bolsheviks to hold still. After victory gave the right to think, that the right way: camp, soc. realism, etc.. And incivility. The fall in the booth. We chose «dear» slavery, counting on, that the Communists will melt the heart. fools! We have plunged themselves into a big folly and humiliation. The case is still here in what: War does not give rise to any heroics with the, nor on the other hand. War – This dirt and murder at the bottom of consciousness. Heroism create ideological dregs. The choice between the two of fascism. What could be more painful?! But I would never say, that the choice was made right. The slave is not able to choose from. Such is the fate. Raba.

        I have no motherland, for a slave it can not be. Never Communists did not represent the interests of the working class. Never. This is mainly fragments and losers from all sectors of Russian society. They destroyed the foundation – the peasantry and the intelligentsia. Now they can be persuaded, pray to leave the stage of history, but do not destroy, do not pay for their actions. Not true, that it is other people. This ideological children of those, the first, Possessed. they say, Stalin destroyed a potential fifth column on the eve of the war with Hitler. People talk about it with hot, What is surprising in all, conviction. frankly! The return journey to restore justice to Stalin will not end. Therefore, we will have a long time to drive a mine maze of Stalinism.

What hope the current leaders? At this, that they will be able in the meantime to bring the party out of a deep crisis, escape to the operating room and do something worthwhile, visual. So far, the emphasis shifted to international affairs, it's more convenient now!. We helped the Nazis to devastate Europe, Chinese – Asia. We did not think about the people, we do not believe in people. our ideal – herd. And to top it all built worst variant of human society.

Kill me, but Stalinism – it's a disease. Mass mental illness. type kleptomania. What a monstrous combination of poverty, lack of culture, religiousness (with podmenoy «God»), stadnosti, information brought to hysterics already… How many people, umneyshyh people, It was trampled in dirt or physically destroyed! In agreement, to the delight of the mob. Well, of course, to strengthen their own, party power.

Dullness is ready for slave labor, on prison conditions, but would not come the authorities talented. The emergence of the elite – even from their own, even false and decorative – immediately alarming weight. Serostь warrior. AND «random» often revealing punished «elected», We gave them periodically at the mercy of the crowd. This lasted for half a century. eternal dispossession, and not just in terms of material. spiritually, may be, dekulakize more violent and easily.

Rabble will always be most. And our state will take care of this, it is interested in this, so you should periodically dekulakize.

I must say, that guess on the status of the entire population of our country. It can be expressed in two words! Waiting for change, but what?! changes necessary. Country morally paralyzed. The country has long been in a state of war, a grand. Stalinists dream of iron discipline, about order. On the other hand, head dreamers of freedom, people, who do not believe is already in the Communist demagoguery. Both are talking about changes in the boundaries of the existing relations. But all are very well aware, that any changes in either direction is not limited to small doses. Or – Stalinism, repression, concentration camp communism, or capitalism.

They are facing each other, do not shoot until (special cases for both sides – I do not take), but there is a state of war. The state is trying to take everything under control, all pass through itself and restore people, their wards, it would seem that, same shape, but quite the opposite in content. I shudder to think, What will happen. Some scum at the top. I thought, guessed that the decline of individuals in leadership. The Bolsheviks have long ceased to believe in the correctness of the, how and what they have done. fury, how persecuted, isolated, expelled and killed by doubters, only confirms guess. Идет борьба за хорошую жизнь за счет других. Вот и всё.

Сегодня мы снова входим в эту пещеру ужасов. Не думаю, что на этот раз все будет развеяно и решено окончательно. Попытку закрыть тему и поставить точку сделали уже на празднике 70-летия. Убежден, что на партконференции в середине 1988-го тему закроют или переведут стрелку на другое направление. Большевикам нужна атомная бомба для того, чтобы удержаться у власти, t. е. против своего же народа. Пройдет немного времени, и они начнут шантажировать весь мир, чтобы весь мир умолял нас, people, не делать революции и терпеть этих упырей и содержать их. Легкость, с которой мы входим в чужие страны (или вводим туда оружие) – Чехословакия, Hungary, Poland, ГДР, Afghanistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, China, Вьетнам и мн. др., – говорит о том, что Запад вооружился не зря. we – professional aggressors. И не отказались до сих пор от идеи Мирового господства, скромно называя эту идею «Мировой революцией».

Недоразвитые и бездарные людишки продолжают терроризировать и обирать огромную страну. И плодят, твари, подобных себе. Это катастрофа. Потом будут клянчить подаяние. Опять корми!


Хомо Советикус и терроризмэто взаимосвязанные явления. Но если на Западе терроризм находится вне закона и не имеет никаких шансов на поблажки, то у нас терроризм является формой существования государства. Уравниловка и раздражительность по поводу улучшения жизни соседа (тут же донос или воровство) – санитарная служба террора. Рэкет набрал силу стремительно, ибо это служба у нас давно отлажена: «Грабь награбленное!» – with 1917 g. клич не утихает.

Мы теперь будем продвигаться по этой зоне перебежками. Нескоро еще поставим памятник на Колыме, нескоро возникнет демократия. Может быть, только сейчас, at 55 years old, я начинаю становиться художником. Ибо я начал понимать только сейчас, как человек хрупок и недолговечен

          Георгия Буркова не стало 19 July 1990 of the year. Ему было 57 years old.


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