Month: February 2020

V OBK SRDA 03_02_2020

Application with Photofacts, sent – 14.01.2020 16:13 Отдел контроля благоустройства Святошинской РДА по Э-почте СВЯТОШИНСКУЮ РАЙОННУЮ В Г. КИЕВЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННУЮ АДМИНИСТРАЦИЮ


What is YouTube???

What is YouTube??? is progress? or new technologies, where to?? Meet, This is a portrait of the author without distortion “Nathan Pimenta” including “YouTube video posted on a Administrators published 13.12.2019g. under the logo “CHAESV” the Grand YouTube. This topic will be continued on,…


About hover legal order in Kiev…

Let's make them together! – who and who? Packed – Ukrainian people! или Зе с Упаковаными – 73,22% Норода України! (Упакованные в обертку это двурушники, corrupt officials, embezzlers since 1991. until 2020) 1 2 3 4 ⇑Правопрємник⇑ ⇓Попередник⇓


Three questions for the first referendum in Ukraine

The basis of the state of the people of Ukraine, and natural right of living matter, each person of hotel, with equal rights for all the people of Ukraine, for violation of the rights of living matter, man, the offender is deprived of the right to life management function anyone and anything, subject to criminal liability.…