
Belarus WikipediaI Population 9 475 174 Inf. World Bank 2019. VVP $ 63 080 million ($ 6 370 per capita). Claims



Ukraine Wikipedia Population 41 636 102 Inf. World Bank 2019. VVP $ 153 761 million ($ 3 370 per capita), Claims




History of political chaos the collapsed USSR

Firsthand on the Ukrainian Maidan 2013-2014.

About the border with Belarus

VI All-Belarusian People's Assembly (Further 6-VBNS)


The result of the elections in Belarus-reasons for the political chaos from the position of Russia

People's points of view with logical thinking, on the result of the practical application of Sharpe's theory in wrestling “Democracy with the Dictatorship?” or "Satellites for Geopolitical Space and Natural Resources?»

28:27-44:16 – On the preservation of the economic sphere of the former USSR in Belarus from the first lips of this head of state

Speech by the People's President of Belarus A.V. Lukashenko. further 6-VBNS, further 6-VBNS

further 6-VBNS.

From YouTube Administrators! From YouTube Administrators!

Interview of the People's President of Belarus to Russian journalists

Belarus moment of truth at the origins political chaos


Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov 2005g. - about the leaders of Belarus: 3:17-8:34 – Pantelemone Ponamorenko; 32:16-34:22 – Alexandra Lukashenko – this link to the material and other materials of this article is constantly blocked, who and why, below in audi recording, будет опубликована на двух languages – rus. и анг.

Anatoly Ivanovich Lukyanov

About the leaders of Belarus

About Pantelemon Ponamorenkoinform. A.I. Lukyanova


About Alexander Lukashenko – inform. A.I. Lukyanova


The outcome of the elections in Belarus - the reasons for the political chaos from the position of Russia


Firsthand about the Ukrainian Maidan 2013-2014., subsequent political chaos ( the more prohibitions, the sooner we catch up and overtake Самоли )


referendum 1991. – the history of the political chaos of the collapse of the USSR


Statement by the President of Belarus Lukashenko AG. on the closure of the border with Ukraine




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