About violations of property rights to land.

MK- b168c8d0e0. Dwhere d0 = 1 to 20

MK- International code

b168Ukraine c8- Zaporozhye region d8- Запорожский район e0- Settlements

c8- Zaporozhye region






of population. paragraph



D1 Akimov e1-e45 d8e0g0h6i3
d2 Berdyanskyy e1-e37
d3 Vasilevsky e1-e38
d4 Velikobelozersky e1-e0
d5 Veselovsky e1-ee
d6 Volnjansky e1-e0
d7 Hulyaypolskyy e1-e60
d8 Zaporozhye e1-e60
d9 Kamensko-Dnipro e1-e18
d10 Kuibyshev e1-e40
d11 Melitopol e1-e67
d12 St. Michael e1-e48
d13 Novonikolaevskii E1-E68
d14 Orekhovskiy e1-e0
d15 Ogovsky e1-e38
d16 Priazovsky e1-e52
d17 Seaside e1-e31
d18 Rozovski e1-e0
d19 Tokmakskiy e1-e56
d20 Chernigov e1-e41




Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration

Personally: Turinok Vitaly Viktorovich

E-mail: adm@zoda.gov.ua


Person 1

Zaporizhia region., Zaporozhye district,

with. Vladimir, St.. peace, N, kv.N

wire. 096-311-..-..

E-mail: v…………….

Address to the Regional Administration in the second.

Please give orders RGA head Shyrokivskoyi1*, Head of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration, Shyrokivskoyi community and Director of the Research Institute of Zaporozhye Land Planning commission to conduct checks on the finding of violations of the right to use land designated for agricultural production as the person belongs 1. on private property rights.

Violation of the right to use the land and does not remedy its use that lasts a long time, created as a result of lack of control and violation of the above mentioned structures legislation regulating land relations in the country Ukraine.

  1. Shyrokivsku oblige RDA to establish a commission of experts to survey the land at the place of its location, and find out the reason for not matching inventory numbers, the project is listed by number 232 218 1600:02:001:0029 in the land cadastre number 232 218 1600:02:001:1059, determine which one is true and correct in all relevant documents.
  2. Oblige SE Zaporozhye Research Institute for Land Planning to send a commission of experts including a surveyor of electronic tachometer, to determine the actual coordinates of land specified in the technical documentation, (addition 1), developed by DP Zaporozhye Land Planning Research Institute, and align that information be made in the State Land Cadastre.
  3. Include the commission Person 1 and its representative – Name on its instructions.
  4. Issue within ten days, person 1, Certificate examination showing all without exception conducted inspections, set period of time from the date of issuance of orders of governors.

Note: Person 1 are paid in full all land surveying work on the acquisition of ownership of land, including identification of land on the ground and setting landmarks, those. dokum. inv.№9 / 214-2399 on 06.12.2011 but further field in which the land is situated, Additional land was, This has led to a shift limits areas, This fact as well as various cadastral numbers, the competent authorities need to verify the validity of their appearance, and in terms of damage to the face 1

Appendix copies:

  1. Pages 1, 21, Project Technical Documentation inv. №9 / 214-2399 restore the limits of land in kind person 1 and setting landmarks.
  2. Letter Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration of 11.02.2019r.

18.09.2019 signature Person 1


Representative wire. 097-…………….

Note: 1* specified – :RGA head Shyrokivskoyi1*, is required – RSA head Zaporizkoy, Shyrokivskoyi community ….


Addition 2

Zaporizkuoblasnu state


Personally: Brill Konstantin



PG DFS Zaporozhye region

In. head

Personally: Manko Valeriy Alexandrovich



Person 1

Zaporizhia region., Zaporozhye district,

with. Vladimir, St.. peace, N, kv.N

wire. 096-311-..-..

Person 1, (Паспорт Серія СВ №388…), (ID Code 20267…..), (AD Series pension certificate №232…), (A person with a disability as a result of industrial injury, Help MSEK AD Series №022…), (then - Face 1)

Person 1 is the owner of the land area 4,6803 it. for agricultural production (Cadastral number number 2322181600:02:001:1059 - Extract the State Register of rights to real estate on registration of property rights – extract the index number 32705… from 27.01.2015r. - cadastral number plot number 2322181600:02:001:1059 Ukraine meets the cadastral register, but the documentation developed by SRI SE Zaporozhye Land Planning for Persons 1 – The technical documentation land management on drafting, right to land - Z356-10-2011 – Visitor Messages per sheet 1 – Cadastral plan of the land, Identifying the right to land, Unknown number of cadastral number 2322181600:02:001:0029, (then - DA)

As a result of the mistakes of persons DA 1 began to use the tenant neighboring areas – (Limit: A-B - Pyrh, PP; from B-T - NA Chernjuk), Ltd. "Independent agricultural industry", Identification code 23788841.

Many single treatment Persons 1 the structure of land from rural families to Shyrokinskoyi RSA Zaporizhia region, Zaporizhia oblast abuse Persons ownership 1 on the use and disposal of land, which cost: 13142 UAH. With appropriate certificate series number P 0162185 from 25.02.1995r.; 40436,83 UAH. Relevant extracts №755 from 26.04.2010r. and ownership of certified public act number 1 W 067881 it was decided not to set the level of the Law.

Additionally, PG PDC in Zaporozhye. making tax notification solution on 30.05.2018r. in the amount of 5050,92 UAH. land tax for 4, 6803it. land intended for agricultural production, has 5% when set max. 1%, with all the information about non-use of land Person 1, the reason given above, while PG PDC does not use the information base the laws of Ukraine, including the Law on State Service of Ukraine, and dealing with the threat of seizure of property Persons 1 if not illegal payment of tax notification solutions.

Please administratively restore the right to use and disposal of land – cadastral number 2322181600:02:001:1059, and require the pre-trial level voluntarily reimburse the perpetrators material and moral damage inflicted person 1

All of the text documents, is original in Persons 1.


11.02.2019 Signature Person 1

Representative – tel. 097-…………..


Publication author

offline 58 mins


Comments: 2public: 236Registration: 17-05-2019

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