Hearing research

Роз’яснення якими підтверджуються не зворотній факт присутності шуму у кв.4, building 40b from the Restaurant (ra) розміщеного у нежитловому приміщенні №105, розташоване під кв.4, та його Всесезонного літнього майданчика (VLM) under the windows of apartment 4, building 40b.


Analogue of information on the site Kharkiv National University. AT. n. Karazin


The research is conducted in a quiet room of sufficient size (хоча б 6 m in one direction). Each ear is examined separately, at first in a whispered language, then conversational. The patient stands in the quietest corner of the room and turns his ear to the doctor, so as not to see his face and not to read the words on the movements of his lips. The patient closes the second ear with his index finger, which firmly blocks the entrance to the external auditory canal. During the examination, the auditory canal closes not examined, and a nurse, to obtain more objective data. Лікар відходить на 6 m from the patient and whispers words, which the patient should repeat immediately. The power of the whisper must always be the same. To achieve this, you need to exhale calmly and say the words, using only air, which remained in the lungs. In practice, use two-digit numbers from 21 to 99 (except for round numbers), first selecting numbers with deaf consonants, in which low-frequency sounds prevail (example, "thirty-two", "twenty five"); and then words with hissing, in which high-frequency sounds prevail (example, "seventy-six", "forty-seven"). This will find out, perception of which frequencies (high or low) more disturbed in this patient.

Hearing is considered normal, if the whispered speech is perceived from a distance 6 m. Research begins at close range. If the patient perceives a whispered language from this distance, then the doctor gradually moves away from the patient, until the latter begins to repeat the spoken words inaccurately. The degree of perception of whispered speech is considered to be the greatest distance, from which the patient correctly repeats the words spoken by the doctor three times.

If hearing impairment is detected when determining the perception of whispered speech, then determine its severity with spoken language. To do this, pronounce the words in ordinary language. Begin the determination at close range, gradually increasing it until then, until the patient stops accurately reproducing what he heard. Perception of spoken language is normal 25 m. But often the size of the room, where research is conducted, insufficient for this, in such cases, the level of perception of spoken language is considered to be “> 6 m”. At considerable decrease in hearing it is necessary to say words near the auricle or even to speak loudly, which is recorded in the documents as the level of tested hearing - loud speech. In the study of hearing in spoken language, the other ear, if his hearing is normal, the nurse should muffle, example, rattle Ram.

Person 3 lives in apartment 4 has some hearing problems, constant noise in the ears due to vascular disorders which is a consequence of radioactive 78 ber for 4 days obtained as a result of the localization of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. (Інформацію про участь Особи 3 розміщено на порталі – chaesv.com), but he and his wife and anyone else must be deaf to live in quarter 4, was 40 b., St.. Klavdiyivska, Kyiv as a result of the noise to which the apartment is exposed 4, якій утворюється внаслідок вбудованого РЗ та його обладнання в будинок 40б та додатково прибудованою на прибудинковій території будинку 40б під вікнами квартир інвалідів кв.4, 4and the All-season summer playground RH


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