The dictatorship of natural law

The dictatorship of natural law (PPP)

       Dictatorship of Natural Law (PPP) for individuals individually for collective associations, united in the social systems of society presupposes a number of norms and rules, which a person and all members of social societies are obliged to strictly fulfill starting from the day of the beginning of the transition period from the anomalous era to the normal era of development of human society.

       Natural Law is established by the very nature of the Universe, it cannot be changed or improved; it is built into the system (algorithm), control of the matter of the Universe.

       Norms of natural law:

1.   All natural resources of planet Earth belong in equal shares to existing and future living matter;

2.  Living matter in all its manifestations on planet Earth is free and independent and is subject only to the algorithm for controlling the matter of the Universe.

3.   Living matter endowed with intelligence must not disturb the balanced equilibrium, including when creating and improving its habitat, different from those established by nature, It is forbidden to disturb the natural balance inherent in the control algorithm of the Universe.  

     enacted law (the rules, norms) unlike Natural Law, they are created by the human mind and are intended to govern social societies (family, locality, district, region (state), State, international community (States)).

      enacted law (the rules, norms) in the anomalous era were developed by the so-called elites, ruling class of social society, a view to, elite ideology, There has always been and continues to be a struggle for the ownership of the natural resources of planet Earth throughout the entire existence of mankind., domination over man inhabiting planet Earth, more simply put, the struggle of the ruling class for an elite place in the sun on planet Earth at the expense of the resources belonging to living matter.

    Based on the contingent, ideological superstructure of the developers of Legislative norms of law implemented in the anomalous era of development of human society, norms of Legislative Law starting from the period of transition to the normal era of human development on planet Earth, be subject to purification from the norms embedded in them that violate the Natural Law of living matter.

        A reminder of living matter endowed with intelligence of some norms laid down in the algorithm for controlling the Universe: 

      Any thought, product of the mind of an individual, integrates (is being coordinated) in the Universe into a single whole of the same type of targeted thought with increasing its potential, it returns to address matter, changing, slowing down and accelerating the processes occurring in addressable matter, therefore the curse of an individual is integrated into a whole curse with great potential, in this case, when cursed at a specific address, the normal parameters of the recipient's existence are not saved, а также его существование по норме заложенной природой как адресату так его будущему потомству, еще больше это усиливаетсякогда адресат пытается исправить это накопленными за счет ближнего богатствами.

       Нарушения Природного Права социальной системой (State) или несколькими, являются детонаторами social и природных катаклизмам больших масштабов.


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