Admin.ChAESV appeal to voters and candidates

This article is for some technical reasons was not published until 29.03.2019g, the day of voting in the first round, it does not lose its relevance and will be starting with 02.03.2019g. periodically complemented, therefore it is necessary to periodically review. Its relevance and usefulness of lies in the second round of the presidential including the upcoming parliamentary elections.

  • Appeal to voters
  • Обращение к кандидатам в президенты
  • Строительство государства Украины

Dear voters!

For Ukraine to become a state for the people for each person, living in its territory, regardless of nationality, language, of faith, financial position, State on whose territory the observed natural human right, established by the laws of society which are not contrary to the natural law, the state in which the business is separated from politics, in which all control processes are carried out is not a body of legislative power, Executive, Court administration which elects, financed and controlled by the people.

31 March 2019. Ukraine voters have to elect a leader for the presidency, and in the future leaders of the bodies of the Legislative, Executive, Court administration in the state, Leaders who have a normal healthy mind and management experience, confirmed the final practical results for the benefit of society, rather than their own personal. Everything, who have achieved success in their personal business in the field of production of goods and services must be operated by the state authorities as specialists in the legislature, Executive, judicial management.


Based on the independent portal systemic examination CHAESV

leadership qualities has so:

Vladimir Zelensky

Confirming the facts involved in the negative processes 27 the summer collapse of Ukraine's positive performance and the success of the conclusions:


Dear presidential candidates Ukraine !

Of your programs that you should active citizenship, and the intention to build a civilized state is already under construction in Ukraine 27 consecutive years. 27 saving construction of a civilized state on the model of Ukrainian Ukraine lowered to the bottom of civilization, It disintegrated the territorial integrity, which led to Civil war in Ukraine, divided society – by language, religious, national, material basis, the legitimacy replaced by expediency, Ukraine has become a bargaining chip, and a participant in the struggle for geopolitical space on planet Earth between the United States and super Russian military powers. Geopolitical confrontation has received a new round of exacerbation due to the orientation of Ukraine on the block status, it has strengthened the existing breach "INF" contract signed between the US and the former USSR 1987 year, all combine to upset the strategic and tactical military balance between the security of Russia and the US.

Based 27 year-old Ukrainian state-building experience and practice of the electoral process, the election "builders», (authorities), in Ukraine – follows, that the true and ultimate goal of the desire for power is known only to the candidate.

Latent ambiguity in the ultimate goal is not the candidate of the authorities to identify and make sense to spend time on it this duality itself is eliminated by establishing property rights for which:

  1. It canceled the state property by transferring it to Ukrainian citizens. This does not contradict Article 13 constitution Ukraine established the right to property of citizens, including future generations all the natural resources on the territory of the State, the rights of citizens to private property and collective private property based.
  2. Financing of the legislative, executive, judicial administration in the State at the expense of private property, owned by citizens of Ukraine on rigidly fixed interest rate 5.10, These percentages are better explain a presidential candidate Gennady Balashov. The right to control the use of funds for the management of fixed and belongs to the owner, Ukrainian citizen.
  3. the abolition of state property itself eliminates embezzlement, but, Consequently, eliminate interest, go in the power of the citizens with the purpose to enrich themselves at the expense of state property, let the citizens of the state to control the use of funds in the state administration, restore the right to free use of natural resources on the basis of the human rights of ownership of natural resources in the territory of the state.

for the full 27 summer Ukrainian state construction carried submenu legality expediency, for the most part is an imaginary desirability of citizens, are in power with the purpose to enrich, willful default and deprivation of citizens' rights on the exercise of rights, by the Law. In the state of Ukraine irresponsible citizens in power, infringement legalized civil right, 126 constitution Ukraine. It makes no sense to spend including simulate reforms, establish control of the state authorities – to spend the time and money it is eliminated by itself:

  1. The introduction of life-long ban violator of the rights of citizens to hold office and to work in the state administration bodies including the hiring of employees and to manage them in their own household and business, "The lifetime ban on management activities", (further - PZUD), partially contradicts 6, 8, 19 constitution Ukraine, and restore fully the natural right to liberty and equality of mankind.
  2. Introduction PZUD for violations of natural and statutory rights of citizens will establish self-discipline and social order in the society and in the state administration bodies in the shortest possible time with minimal financial costs.
  3. P.S.

On a personal point of view of a journalist, As for 39 Candidates for President of Ukraine, and its conclusion that the most suitable candidate to be elected President of Ukraine, the findings difficult to argue at the household level, but which can not be considered systemically faithful to that person the people of Ukraine integrated into a single unit at the political level. For this purpose, you need a clear and unambiguous concept of policy development and evaluation practices in the governance bodies of the candidate.

This policy - a struggle a lot of interest, and politician - a person possessing the art of management, at which the integration of the interests of all sectors of society in a single unit.

It is useful to know the people who are trying to bring their point of view as a claim to truth in the last resort, it does not concern the conclusions of people, in which the basis for political activity are moneys for which they sold their home and her mother.

Not dependent on the output of the analysis and the tactics of the election campaign in Ukraine

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