Conclusion NSE leaders 2 tour

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Conclusions Independent examination system

For candidates for the post of President of Ukraine

the second round of elections 21.04.2019g.

Conclusions "Independent examination system" derived from the material analysis (0) – Trailer 02.02.2021, (1), (2), (2.1), (2.2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (8.1), (8,2), (9), (9,1), (9,2), (10), (10.1.1), (10.1.2), (10.1.3), (10.1.4), (10.2.1), (10.2.2), (10.2,3), (10.2.4), (11), (11.1), (11.2), (11.3), (11.4), (11,5), (11,6), (11.7), (11.8), (11.9), (11.10), (11.12), (11.13), (11.14), (11.15), (11.16), (11.17), (11.18), (11.19), (11.20), (11.21) and many other materials, outstanding social. networking, as well as the portal CHAESV, which have not been published or have not had a public access. Materials for publication on the portal CHAESV prepared for publication since the day 21.04.2019g.okonchaniya Presidential Election, will be published gradually until the day of the Ukrainian parliamentary elections, the purpose of the publication is related to building a state for the people INland in the shortest possible time with minimal costs, not only in theoretical, but also the practical matter.
Vladimir Zelensky Petro Poroshenko

Did not take part in the political sphere of building the state of Ukraine, which was carried out since 1991. by 2019.

Engaged in business in the field of show business and film art, actor, producer, manager in the field of business management.

Is a recognizable personality with a positive image and business qualities confirmed by practical results

Character stably uniform, system has logical thinking and action sequence, is a person with the ability of integrating society associations

(0) Trailer from 02.02.2021. – In the 2019 elections. Zelensky's candidacy. BUT. held 73.22% voters, amazing how talent you need to have, so for 0,7 lose more than half of this rating. (see video, it is lower on the right side). On the day of this remark, the rating is significantly lower, but it's not about ratings, but the reasons for its fall, which is directly related to the existence of the state and its foundation of the people of Ukraine. The reason for the fall in the rating is a pattern that is associated with the incorrect position of Zelensky V.A.. not understanding the basics, society which is the people, not the oligarchs, including. integrated groups of parasitic elements living off the people and resources, owned by the people. No control system Open-loop control system, between the legal framework as well as the lack of feedback between the team and receiving feedback on its implementation, lack of staff Political, economic, Social spheres of government. The wrong choice of the path to the purpose of building a state for the people living in the state.

He took part in the political sphere of building the state of Ukraine, which was carried out since 1991. by 2019.

Engaged in business in the fields of material production and services is the owner 76 business structures

Is a recognizable person with a negative image and business qualities, based on the interest in personal enrichment, using the political scope and power

the nature of uneven, impulsive, It does not have a logical sequence of thought and action is a person with the differentiating ability of polarization and division of society.


WELL. Poroshenko, you need not worry for the future of Ukraine, AT. Zelensky will not create does not substitutability, his task selection and placement, and if you do not you, then all is lost, you have a clear overestimation of one's personality, the people of Ukraine have the opposite point of view. It is desirable to see the point of view: . AND. theological; BUT. Gerashchenko.

(0) Trailer from 02.02.2021. – unfortunately Poroshenko was right in his predictions and did everything in his power, to substitute “SHOULDER” AT. Zelensky on the division of society by “language, faith, army”. Peter Alekseevich watch the video again And. theological, your place in business, which is separate from politics, with the priority of your success in working for the benefit of the people of Ukraine.


Political Scientists About Rating B. Zelensky

Information about the Ukrainian part of the USSR until 1991.(1)

The result of the construction of the Ukrainian state for 27 year period from 1991-2019. (2)

Beginning with 1991 by 2019 years, Ukraine gradually moved from 48 seats, for 26 summer was in the 70 places below, at 2016 was once on 118, at 2017 year's total for the year to 118 The place was still on 40 places below 158 by GDP per capita in the world, including in the region social and economic development in the world, stunning progress of modern pattern power 2017, and the overall success of the authorities is the period of independence of Ukraine 12 place even among former 15 Union Republics with 2 places turned out to be 12 place, these republics like Ukraine itself after the collapse of the Soviet Union - became independent states (SNG). Their highest GDP in the world for 2017.: Ukraine to 158, Uzbekistan to 159, Moldova 164, Tajikistan 183. This is in the words of the first president “that we have”. At this rate, not far off an hour, when the revenue part of the budget of Ukraine equal to the external debt of Ukraine in this case is such a thing as the State Ukraine will cease to exist, and this is a serious reason for radical, but notbarbarous actions of the Ukrainian people. 2019p. Ukraine GDP to be on 136 place the sum $2639 placed – A source

builders (2.1)




Speaking in aphorisms "Man, it's three characters 1. Which is attributed to him, 2. Which he himself assigns, 3. Which is, in fact,. This aphorism belongs Victor Hugo. (3)

The people of Ukraine - it's actors and their many groups with different characteristics and properties – are men, women, children, old men, sick, drug addicts, hooligans, mob, corrupt officials, embezzlers, people with different levels of development, all of them in the third millennium are not subjects, as free citizens, endowed with natural and in society constitutional right, whose guarantor (is an – st.102, KU!?) should be President.(4)

Policy - the fight a lot of interest (the art of management, taking into account the civilized interests of all sectors of society). (5)

He did not participate in the construction of.(6)

He participated in the construction. (7)

Vladimir Zelensky

Petro Poroshenko

Results of the first round of elections. (8)

Voted: Vego - 18 893 861 – 63,5% processed email. protocols 100%

5 713 842 – 30,24%, (8.1)

3 014 538 – 15,95%, (8.2)

Point of view of the candidates about themselves and about each other. (9)

AT. Zelensky I thought about myself, whop. Poroshenko. (9.1)

P. Poroshenko I thought about myself, In about. Zelensky. (9.2)

The debate between the leaders of the second round of Ukrainian presidential.(10)

19 April 2019 19:00 stadium “Olympic” g. Kiev

1-(adm) Guarantees of the rights of citizens of Ukraine (10.1.1)

2-(adm) Internal and external security (10.1.2)

3-(adm) Domestic and foreign policy (10.1.3)

4-(adm) Package-level evaluation questions (n1, n2, n3 (10.1.4)

1-(PP) Defense and security (10.2.1)

2-(PP) Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (10.2.2)

3-(PP) Guaranteeing the rights of citizens of Ukraine (10.2.3)

4-(PP) ? (10.2.4)

Debate with simultaneous translation into English

YouTube – if it is not allowed to watch in your country ????, with the translation

YouTube also cannot be viewed in our – The concept and formula for ending the war in Ukraine, Without translation !!!!

It is clear why in Ukraine it is impossible to watch YouTube because, well, очень, очень денег на воздухе срубить хочется

Then on the ChAESV portal you can see, on this resource, money for air does not destroy the economies of states. !!!!

Part-1 Opening remarks of the candidates

Part-2 Candidate Friend Questions, another

Part-3 Final part of the debate

Background information for NSE. (11)

Constitution Ukraine

Article 1. Ukraine sovereign, independent, democratic, social, constitutional state. (11.1)

Profession and its impact on the scope of political activity. (11.2)

Etalon "Independent examination system", (NSE).(11.3)


The essence of the relationship between man and society with superior intelligence positions

If before the end view and listen carefully to what, that describes in the video "The priests and politicians. Power over power ", as well as video footage, "Dead Man's Letters" – the failed humanity is busy destroying living matter.(11.6)

After watching it becomes clear principle of political governance, which is a medieval model, moribund. subjects, involved in the political administration of the state of the model, are actors with all the features of this profession and the best results achieved in the state when it was headed by a man with a profession of an actor and a decent man.(11.7)

. This evidence and proof in practice, example - Ronald Reagan 6 February 1911, Tampico, Illinois - 5 June 2004, Los Angeles, California) - 40th US President (1981—1989). 33-th Governor of California (1967—1975). Also known as an actor and radio host. (11.8)

When President Ronald Reagan naimenshy unemployment rate was achieved, in 1987h. signed an agreement on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles (DRSMD), that was the beginning of a first practical step towards the end of the cold war between the military and the Soviet Union over the United States powers.(11.9)

By June 1991 The Contract has been executed: US destroyed 846 missiles; the USSR – destroyed 1846 missiles (about half of them - produced rockets, Non-resident on duty). (11.10)


Using this link, the visitor can see what this video is about , а также выводы как это свяано с реальным Мирозданием


We do not have any where to go until, yet we do not build for the people of Ukraine, the state, we have the best global practices bring to our common house called Ukraine. We should not be members of the division of geopolitical space or when, We are obliged to live in peace, subject to its domestic interests and the interests of its multinational people, respecting the interests of its neighbors, the entire international community, we can not allow retargeting nuclear potential of our territory, because, that in the event of a conflict between the military super powers and our status of the block in which someone is trying not asking people, based on military strategy and tactics, we first will be destroyed. Winners in a nuclear war will not, and will be the destruction of all mankind, war – this medieval barbarity. (11.13)


WELL. Poroshenko, you do not need to worry about the future of Ukraine in. Zelensky will not create does not substitutability his task selection and placement, and if you do not you, then all you have lost is a clear overestimation of one's personality, the people of Ukraine have the opposite point of view. It is desirable to see the point of view A. Gerashchenko. This link.

(11.15) Society expels smart



Alexander Blok: War – is thrown into the swamp of material resources. (11.18)
(11.21) Self debate P.A. Poroshenko behind the stadium 14.04.2019 of the year

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