Appeal to the President of Ukraine. Zelensky

Appeal to the President of Ukraine. Zelensky

For "Final Goodbye" 27 year nightmare of the medieval capital in Ukraine, We require urgent:

  1. Conduct a census.
  2. To hold a referendum on the return of the Constitution of Ukraine to the 1996 edition.
    • Make the issue of the elimination of the state property.
    • Make the issue of banning for life to carry out management activities in the Legislative, executive, Judicial branches of government in all structures associated with the management of human – violators of the rights of citizens, by the Law.
    • Remove the Constitution of Ukraine the transfer of power from the people, power belongs only to the people, by referendum, the people exercise the right power.

Ukrainian people


This requirement is dictated by the foundation choice 2019 Ukrainian people:


If you need clarification on the point of contact, write the comments in this case, all addressed will be given a detailed explanation of the detailed, which will be achieved by the implementation of the requirements of the people of Ukraine, as set out in circulation.



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