Full text: https://goloszmin.org/program


JUSTICE worth, THAT fight for its victory

  • JUSTICE, WHAT protect

We want to establish real justice in Ukraine. We are tired of watching, as courts release criminals and imprisoned innocent.

We do not allow, щоб недостойні люди за хабар ставали суддями й прокурорами і вершили правосуддя іменем України. I will not silently watch, vandalized a legal education system fosters corruption agents.

We know, how to change. I will start with the "judges on judges".

  • Corruption means prison

People, who commit great crimes and robbing the country, not punished in Ukraine. Навпаки — вони почуваються в безпеці й можуть сміятися нам в обличчя. All this must change.

Already established anti-corruption structures, which should complement each other. Anti-Corruption Court will soon begin to hear cases and make judgments corrupt top. But now these structures do not work smoothly, CAP and management of Nazca and do not perform their work and play along corrupt.

We know how to develop effective anti-corruption system, that put an end to impunity for massive corruption.


We will become richer


The rapid development of Ukrainian IT-industry demonstrates, Ukrainian how quickly able to build a modern economy, if they do not interfere with the repressive state apparatus or oligarchic monopoly. We want to scale the successful experience of development of information technologies in Ukraine throughout our economy - and thus achieve a rapid economic breakthrough.

However, We have no illusions: efforts to build the country's successful technological economy inevitably cause resistance from the oligarchs. They will not give up its monopoly without a fight, its control over the economy and politics. As we plan to overcome them? Read more.

  • BECOME oligarchs law-abiding citizens

We will block the possibility for the oligarchs monopolize economic sector, appoint their people to public office and to control media.

Dozens of "masters of life" has no right to control national policy and information field (four oligarchic groups control about 75% TV market countries), put his people in key positions in the state and use captured so government agencies to promote their own business interests.

We inflict the damage simultaneously on all sources of influence of oligarchs: economic monopolies, control of the media and politics. To do this, we apply the antitrust laws, assign ready to fight oligarchs professionals in key government regulators, introduce stringent requirements for the editorial independence of the media. We also use the potential of modern information technologies, which can effectively collect and analyze information on the members of oligarchic groups.

  • UKRAINE have stable public finances and financial system developed

Deoliharhizatsiya, Anti-corruption system and modern technology will allow us to efficiently and transparently collect and spend public money and ultimately - to plan the future budget changes. This will allow Ukraine to not lose, and increase the pace of development, а нам з вами — впевненість у власному майбутньому.

The citizens of Ukraine should finally be proud, how their taxes are used, - our money, to which the state must provide us comfort and safety.

  • BUSINESS HAS TO LIVE, NOT imitate life

We have every opportunity, to have adequate quality roads and utilities - not by populism, and provided reasonable use of public and private resources. That is how we will strengthen energy independence of Ukraine and reduce Russian influence on Ukrainian exports, simplify trade procedures and strengthen economic ties with Europe.


STATE FOR MAN, And not a citizen for officials

  • Quality and affordable MEDICINE

We will complete health care reform on the principle "money follows the patient" and achieve that, To state fair pay for necessary medical services to patients at all levels of care - as a family doctor, and specialized hospitals (to hospital). Inhuman conditions in hospitals recede into the past. The doctor will get a decent reward for quality health care, instead of looking for extra money in Ukraine or abroad.

  • Education should seek talent, SCIENCE - built THEM

We believe, that all children are born talented. We want, that the school was working to identify and develop talents of each child, not on memorizing information.

We raise the prestige of vocational education among youth. Vocational education will be the first step towards a rewarding career.

Universities become centers of free thought, that compete quality education and scientific results. The development of science is finally back in the focus of public policy and will be a strategic priority.

  • Implement a fair and flexible social policies

Social policy is formed, based on the real needs and possibilities of the budget, and procedures for obtaining assistance finally become transparent and easy.


In Ukraine, have brought new and stronger, Modern cultural traditions, which finally unite Ukrainian nation, cementing its identity.



  • PARLIAMENT: FROM distorting mirror to transparency

Parliament will place decisions, which require people, rather than a string of ineffective spending in the state budget.

  • Make the public STAFF compact and efficient

We will make the state apparatus compact and efficient, and will reduce unnecessary part of its functions. Our goal - a citizen not in contact with official, and the state through modern electronic instruments providing quality public services to people and businesses.


Stronger together with the European Security and Diplomacy


The military should be proud of their craft. The state should appreciate life military.

The foundation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - people, dedicated professionals. We will create conditions for quality assurance, improve skills, Army and professional growth, comfort of their own life and life of military families.

  • Provide inevitability of the victory

Our ultimate goal - to return our territories and winning the war for the right to self-Ukraine.

We categorically oppose any plans, which will allow stay in power or local government representatives of terrorist groups, Kremlin-controlled. World, price purchased at least partial loss of sovereignty in favor of Russian aggression, never be sustainable, it can lead to further war in the Ukraine.

We will do everything necessary for de-occupation bloodless captured territories and safe reintegration of people, which Russia took hostages, their return to normal, dignified life. For us it is essential termination killing Ukrainian citizens. This crime, responsible for carrying Russia. Our hope we confirm the real action, which will bring our victory. The victory of the Ukrainian spirit. The victory of justice.


Internally displaced people - our people, our potential development and the return of occupied territories. Internally displaced persons and citizens of Ukraine, who are forced to live in the occupied territories, will be given due consideration.

  • Bring the return of the Crimea

We do not sell Crimea. Crimea - not a bargaining chip in negotiations with the aggressor. Crimea - Ukraine is. It is our principle, and we will use it strictly.

  • Will achieve a worthy position UKRAINE IN THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA

The basis of the foreign policy of Ukraine is headed for EU membership and strengthening security through Ukraine joining NATO.


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