Рішенням I Congress



from 08 June 2019 , the number 1


election program

Political party "force of law"


Знову під реальною загрозою опинилась незалежність української держави. Again, you must defend it against internal and external enemies.

Збройна агресія Російської Федерації проти України, occupation of Crimea and Donbas area demonstrated the inability of the authorities to address new challenges. During the war the Ukrainian people have not proposed strategy of action to restore full peace without territorial and political concessions to the aggressor.

Ukrainian army, contrary to the claims of reform and transition to NATO standards, fragment remains essentially Soviet army. System action to strengthen security and joining the Euro-Atlantic collective security structures are replaced by political statements and promotions.

Українська влада самоусунулася від питання реалізації Будапештських гарантій, adopting rules, imposed aggressor in Minsk. Now the same is happening Minsk new attempt to realize the Kremlin scenario the collapse of Ukraine.

Влада продемонструвала байдужість до долі громадян України, living in the occupied territories and the frontline, the problems of IDPs. The state has not used any action in the matter of establishing prejudice, caused by armed aggression and occupation of Ukrainian citizens, Ukrainian business and the Ukrainian state, and, Consequently, hampered the process of compulsory compensation from the state-aggressor.

Правовий нігілізм влади і відсутність ефективної системи правосуддя руйнують основи української держави і позбавляють громадян віри в майбутнє своєї країни. Over the years,, since the Revolution of Dignity, the country has not recovered most of the action mechanisms of democracy. Грубо порушується конституційний принцип незалежності гілок влади. Citizen's rights degenerated to a set of empty declarations. The power only simulates a dialogue with civil society and social presence elevators.

Сьогодні Україна – країна неплатоспроможних споживачів і неконкурентоспроможних виробників, oppressed monopoly established rate, deprived of access to finance, not protected from arbitrary power. The negative economic effects of anticompetitive practices oligarchic business in Ukraine than 500 billion USD annually and approaching 20% GDP.

Неефективна економічна, especially competition policy, призводить до втрати інвестицій, Stop economy and poverty. Державна політика в сфері оплати праці призвела до зрівнялівки і демотивації кваліфікованих фахівців у всіх сферах діяльності. Lacking real opportunities for self-realization in home country, millions of Ukrainian forced their knowledge and work to raise the economy of other countries.

Важливе завдання, which did not manage Ukrainian government, - ensure safe lives. The problem is not only in fighting crime and levels. State of Environment, Emergency, road injuries, the status and availability of medicine, lack of social and psychological assistance, water quality, Food and Drug Administration daily lead to the death of tens and shortening the lives of millions Ukrainian. All these factors have become a real threat to national security and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Під загрозою опинилось саме право українського народу називати країну своєю, to determine its future, joint work to achieve prosperity. In our common right to live with dignity, rather than feel powerless in their own country, with external enemy posyahnula corrupt government, and the fifth column oligarchs in Ukrainian politics.

В умовах небезпечного захоплення суспільства політикою легких рецептів, not solve difficult problems, Political party "force of law" country policy offers real results.

Історичне завдання ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ ПАРТІЇ «СИЛА ПРАВА» – зберегти незалежну українську державу, make it a mainstay and hope of every Ukrainian.

Головною метою перемоги команди «СИЛА ПРАВА» на парламентських виборах є формування в наступній Верховній Раді коаліційної більшості патріотичних сил, capable of providing the full restoration of peace and the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the development of strong, legal, democratic state, that values ​​and respects every citizen, concerned about his welfare, guarantees and protects the right, ensure his safety.

Ми готові об’єднуватися навколо коаліційної угоди, that the following principles will:

  1. The Russian Federation is the aggressor, which unleashed war against Ukraine, using weapons seized Crimea and Donbas and has to answer for all the crimes, committed against the Ukrainian nation. Every square centimeter of Ukrainian land and sea must be returned, and losses, caused by Ukraine and Ukrainian, - Fully recovered. Rejection of this principle is the betrayal of national interests and desecration of the memory of dead defenders of Ukraine;
  2. Representatives of the regime of Yanukovych Ukraine traitors and agents of the Russian Federation, are fully responsible for Russia's aggression against Ukraine and its terrible consequences. Political forces, formed by the Yanukovych regime, is a fifth column, that seeks to restore Russian control over our government to further destruction of collegiality and independence. Forming coalition with political forces is unacceptable compromise with the aggressor;
  3. European and Euro-Atlantic integration is a strategic foreign policy of Ukraine. Bringing the country into line with all the requirements for accession to these international organizations is a priority of state reforms and, along with building a modern strong army, - guarantee certainty Ukraine and Ukrainian future;
  4. Poor oligarch-raw economic model, destroying the competitive environment in the country, threatens the national security of Ukraine, causing mass emigration of citizens in the short term can lead to irreversible catastrophic consequences. The main competitive advantage of Ukraine is hard work and intellect of the nation. To this are added the unique natural resources and infrastructure capacity, geographic position and free trade zone with the world's largest market for EU. Using these assumptions to transform Ukraine to South Korea, Eastern Europe is as much a necessity, as victory in an armed conflict with Russia. Ukraine's accession to the 20 most developed countries are uncompromising challenge these 10 years;
  5. The strategic goal of the existence of the Ukrainian state is to create conditions for the development of the Ukrainian nation, fulfillment and happiness every Ukrainian. This goal should be subject to all state policy. Happiness Index UN should be a key criterion for determining the efficiency of public administration.

Нашим практичним завданням є розробка і реалізація державної політики, designed to achieve the strategic goal. This is possible only if the formation of the central and local governments, capable of implementing such a policy, and implementation of effective parliamentary and public control over the activity of executive.

Гідна мета і чітке розуміння стратегії дає нам право претендувати на роль стрижня проукраїнської демократичної коаліції в новому парламенті країни.

Разом ми здатні захистити свою землю та побудувати сильну, competitive Ukraine!


political partiesuu «СИЛА ПРАВА» А.М. FIELDS


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Comments: 2public: 236Registration: 17-05-2019

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