. Person (Xomo Sapiens) this one Many of the elements of the universe of matter, characterized by a plurality of elements of matter Universe, presence of mind, endowed with higher intelligence in his likeness, but limited in time and space. Mankind mind given to mankind is reasonable they took themselves extend or shorten the time of its existence in a particular time and space of the universe, which is inherent in the automatic dynamic creation algorithm (further ADAM). planets, such as Earth, in the universe infinite set, but it is beyond time and space available to humanity of planet Earth. However, if the elements of living matter endowed with reason good use of time of its existence on any of the inhabited planets, they have a chance to get to the nearest planet, which have arisen in the initial stage possible origin of life or this life there. This applies equally to other planets universe, inhabited by elements of matter endowed with reason.
. Как и все элементы материи мироздания, Man is endowed with certain functions to interact with other elements of the universe of matter leading to the emergence of the movement of matter to a new state elements Fig.1, This process is infinite in time and space.

Man performing any actions in any field of human existence, performs the action by activating the brain as a subconscious, and conscious of its function, perfection of the action performed depends on the level of activation of brain activity, and the level of the stored information in the brain in the process of evolution and knowledge, достигнутых человечеством за период существования на планете Земля.

Interaction of elements-to
. При этом в процессе взаимодействия между элементами происходят процессы, They partially describe MV. Lomonosov "universal natural law" (5 July 1748 of the year), repeating it in his thesis "Discourse on the hardness and liquid bodies" (1760)[7][45], the original words:
All changes, occurring in nature, such are the state, what, many of which have one body be taken away, so we add another, so if some matter where ubudet, then multiplied elsewhere ..., This universal natural law extends even into the most traffic rules, for the body, the driving power of his other, these should as much at losing, it communicates to the other, which receives motion from him[51][52].
. Человечеству планеты Земля начиная с 2016 , the need to take into account the above induced in the construction of social communities, analyze and use the conclusions of the analysis of the evolution of the passed periods of social systems from the beginning of their occurrence to the present period, All positive results for mankind or part of the findings, used in the construction of social systems in the future, developing and improving them on the basis of natural human rights .

On periods of the evolution of social systems


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