

Без имени-1


        In the photo seen FF1, 31.05.2012 .byl that only built housing 40 b so-called second stage of the photos seen FF2, that the housing built second stage of the house-B, by this time, the doors of the decorative balconies of house 40b were bricked up, i.e.. redevelopment of two-room apartments into two began, One-room, These apartments are not suitable, for living on 15.10.13r.              

km On five sheets


                                                                                           Head of Kyiv City

    ş1                               administration

                                   Oleksandr Popov

                                   01044, m. Kiev, St.. Khreshchatyk, 36

                                   tel.: (044)254-12-55,                                                                                        

                   Person 3


                   02225, m. Kiev, pr-t & quot; M" condominiums 21a, kv.126


                                                                    Since A and I in

          About personal reception

          Dear Alexander Pavlovich, I turn to you in a second (first hit – This complaint Rin. № OP / V – 17529 from 14.05.2012r.) I ask you to take me personally because, You subordinated in Kiev government agencies and officials do not and are not going to perform any law in force in Ukraine, example of that answer № B-1038 dated 31.05.2012. Desna district in. Kyiv state administration and №047 / 522-cr from 12.06.2012r. and the Department of Emergency Situations of the KSCA I received the first complaint Rin. № OP / V – 17529 from 14.05.2012r..

          I started applying to the Kyiv City State Administration in 2006. the day, when I had no place to live because of the failure of the KSCA rules of law. My appeal to the KSCA has repeatedly engaged then and now deputy mayor A. Holubchenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration I. Kilchitskaya,  and from 14.05.2012. First Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration Mazurchak OV

          Alexander Pavlovich in case of refusal to me in receptions,  I will be forced to address the President of Ukraine VF Yanukovych. so, that anarchist methods of resolving issues in the sub-structures you can not be tolerated.


                Addition:   1. Complaint (re) from 05.07.2012 – 4 ff.

                                 2. Answer № В-1038 dated 31.05.2012.– 1 ff.

                                 3. Answer № 047/522-kr dated 12.06.2012 – 1 arch.


                                                    05.07.2012p.            Signature                   Person 3

                                                                                  Head of Kyiv City


                                                                                  Oleksandr Popov

                                                                        01044, m. Kiev, St.. Khreshchatyk, 36

                                                                            tel.: (044)254-12-55, Fax:297-89-28


           Person 3


           person, which suffered as a result

            The Chernobyl disaster

            (Category 1)

            Series A №4259  8

            INLAY # 6082  0

            Participant in the aftermath of the accident

            Chernobyl NPP


            Series AI №9202  1

             labor veteran


            02225, m. Kiev, pr-t & quot; M" condominiums 21a, kv.126



             BLake ABOUTpredilennogo Mesta Fitelstva


                                                                                   APARTMENT ACCOUNTING CASE №11982


                                                                SK A R G A (re)


            About systemic non-execution by public authorities
          m. Kyiv norms of Art. Article.18, 16, 19, 21, 22  Constitution of Ukraine,
          st.st. 2071   Law № 796-XII,    Article 7  Law № 3721-XII,
          st.st. 47, 48, 49  Law No. 5464-X,   Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers №1589
          from 31.12.1996r.


        Dear Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration, I am addressing you as a friend (This first appeal complaint Rin. № OP / V – 17529 from 14.05.2012r.) in the second dovozhu your known, You subordinated in Kiev government agencies and officials do not, and this is the second request is my testimony, they are not going to comply with any law in force in Ukraine, example of that answer № B-1038 dated 31.05.2012. Desnianska district in the city of. Kyiv State Administration and №047 / 522-kr

from 12.06.2012r. The Department of Emergency Situations of the KSCA I received in response to the first complaint Rin. № OP / V – 17529.

         And, message with your signature on an additional violation of my rights, which 26.04.2012 handed to me. The message stated, that on the occasion of 26th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster provided me a studio apartment in the building at the address. Klavdiyivska 40-B. (this building slab mounted only first floor, messages and photos attached house). According to information I received in the Department of Emergency Situations KCSA, become clear, to the previous violations of my rights which are stated in the first complaint of GOP / B-17529 on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe the final violation of my right is planned, concerning granting of norm of the living area are established by Art.47, 48, 49  Law No. 5464-X(LCD Ukraine) and paragraph.3 P.10 st. 20 Law №796-XII,  Decree KSU №1589 from 31.12.1996.


           I draw your attention to the rules of Art. 1, 8, 16, 19, 21, 22 Constitution of Ukraine, st.st. 2071   Law №796-XIIArticle 7  Law №3721-XII, st.st.47, 48, 49  Law №5464-XRegulation   KSU №1589 from 31.12.1996r. none of the above legal norms has been fulfilled by your subordinate public authorities and civil servants, including 19.04.2012. Commission on the distribution of living space. It will be recalled, the state in which you and I live in the city including. Kyiv is classified as legal, it is established Article 1 Constitution of Ukraine (next KU),  therefore I ask you proceeding from the current:  

        Constitutional system «rule of law» Ukraine Article 1 KU, «rule of law» st.8 KU «responsibilities of the state in overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster» st.16 KU, obligations of public authorities to act, «within the powers and in the manner, what





the Constitution and laws of Ukraine» verse 19 says KU, about «inalienability and inviolability» rights and freedoms of Article 21 of the Criminal Code, «no assumption narrowing of the content and scope of existing rights and freedoms» when adopting new laws and amending existing laws, Article 22 of the Criminal Code, the current rule according to which I «provide living space within a year from the date of application» tbut provide additional space  paragraph 1 paragraph 3 paragraph 10 of Article 20 of the Law №796-XII, and based on the date of submission of the application for improvement of living conditions, this 09.09.1994r. and 18 one-time violations of the terms of housing, and therefore & rsquo; , that because of non-compliance with the laws of the Kyiv City State Administration, I am forced to rent an apartment from individuals and pay exorbitant

0-Dov-ka No. 697p quarter a


pay an exorbitant fee for rented housing, (more details about this are given by me in the first complaint vh. № OP / V – 17529), urge to perform above mentioned rules Ukrainian legislation and provide urgently  one bedroom apartment in. Kiev,  living space: 

          27,3m2 living space (1-and the room) + additional space in separate rooms (2-and the room)

         Explanation of the norms of laws to the management and other civil servants of the Kyiv City State Administration, in relation to the legality of granting bedroom apartment:

  1. Legal norms and grounds for obtaining the first room in the amount of 27.3 m2 living space:

          1.1. Article 47 of the Law № 5464-X (LCD Ukraine)  – under which:   «The norm of living space in the Ukrainian SSR is set at 13,65 One square meter per person»;                                                                                                                                            2(two people) x 13, 65m2 (per person) = 27,3 m2 (living space for two people )                                                                                1.2. Article 48 para 2 Law №5464-X. – whereby:       «When citizens transfer housing, which is in their private property, authority, which improves housing conditions, they have the right to receive housing within the established norm of living space».




  1. Legal norms and grounds for obtaining a second room of additional space in the form of a separate room P3:D2 Documents as of September 7, 1994. regarding the benefit for extraordinary housing


         2.1. Paragraph 3, paragraph 10, Article 20 of Law №796-XII –  according to which persons are classified 1 affected by Chernobyl is granted the right:

«Persons,  who have suffered from radiation sickness of any degree or steel disabled by the Chernobyl disaster, in need of better living conditions,  additional living space is provided in the form of a separate room.»

          2.2.   Regulation Of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 31 December 1996 p. № 1589 ORDER providing additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or become disabled, disabled children,     who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1 –


        3. Additional living area provided:

        people,   categorized 1,  who have suffered from radiation sickness of any degree or became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster,  and children,   who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and need special care, – in a separate room;       Help-119      

        2.3.  Paragraph 2 of Article 49 Law No. 5464-X (LCD Ukraine)   «The procedure and conditions for providing additional living space and a list of categories of citizens, eligible to receive it, established by legislation of the USSR.»

        2.4.   Help №119  from 02.02.1971r. added,                                                                                                                   «Based on paragraph 77 (with 1973 year item 141) Regulations for the Public, Inventions and innovations, approved by Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers from 24 April 1959 year №435 (from 21 August 1973 # 584)         Person 3.                   He has the right to housing benefits, on a par with scientists»

         In Ukraine, succession was not revoked, Like Art. 49 Law number 5464, These rules are applicable and subject to enforceable

                                              05.07. 2012p.                          PinscriptionPerson 3



                                         Constitution of Ukraine    Article. Article 1, 8, 16, 19, 21, 22 






Article 1. Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, constitutional state.

{The official interpretation of the provisions of Article 1 div. Constitutional Court№ 3-rp / 2012 from 25.01.2012}




Article 8. The rule of law is recognized and applied in Ukraine.

The Constitution of Ukraine has the highest legal force. Laws and regulations adopted on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine and shall conform to it.

Provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine are norms of direct action. Going to court to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen directly on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine is guaranteed.




Article 16. Ensuring environmental safety and maintaining ecological balance on the territory of Ukraine, Chornobyl – catastrophe of global scale, Preservation of the gene pool of the Ukrainian people is the duty of the state.




Article 19. The legal order in Ukraine is based on principles, according to which no one can be forced to do what, as required by law.

State authorities and local governments, their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the powers and in the way, the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

{The official interpretation of the provisions of Article 19 div. in the Decision of the Constitutional Court of UkraineNumber 7-rp / 2009 16.04.2009}




Article 21. All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. Human rights and freedoms are inalienable and inviolable.




Article 22. Human and civil rights and freedoms, secured by the Constitution, is not exhaustive.

Constitutional rights and freedoms are guaranteed and can not be undone.

With the adoption of new laws or amending existing laws shall not be diminished content and scope existing rights and freedoms.


                                                               Law number 796-12    Article 20, 71






Article 20. Compensation and benefits citizens,
                            classified as category 1


     10)   extraordinary provision of living space for persons,  which
need better living conditions (including the families of the victims or
deceased citizens).   People,   specified in this paragraph, 
provided living space for a year from the date of application, for
of which local councils allocate 15 percent of the total annually
built housing (including enterprises,  institutions, 
organizations regardless of ownership). Cabinet
Ukraine annually allocates targeted to regional state administrations
appointment of capital investments according to the number of families, 
in need of better living conditions. Construction financing
carried out from the State Budget of Ukraine. { Paragraph one item 
10 of Article 20 as amended by Law N 230/96-BP  from 
06.06.96 }

     In addition to the general grounds, provided by the legislation of Ukraine,
following, in need of better housing, recognized persons,
which are provided with living space below the level of average security
citizens in this locality or living in
communal apartments.

     Persons,  who have suffered from radiation sickness of any degree
or became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster,  which
need better living conditions,  additional vein is provided
area in a separate room. { The third paragraph of the paragraph 10 parts
first article 20 the Law N 230/96-BP from 06.06.96 }

     Family,  who lost her breadwinner as a result of Chernobyl
accident, is entitled to additional mine area, the procedure for granting and
an amount determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

     The benefits provided by this paragraph for housing
citizens have the right to use only once; { Paragraph 10
part one of Article 20 is supplemented by the fifth paragraph in accordance with
Law n 230/96-BP from 06.06.96 }






     Article 71. Features of the amendments to this law
     The provisions of this Law may not be suspended by others
laws, except for laws on amendments to this Act.

{  The law is supplemented by an article 71 by the Law N 231-V ( 231-16 )
from 05.10.2006 }


                                          Law № 3721-XII   Article 7





Article 7. Benefits veterans of labor

     Labor veterans are provided with such benefits:

     1) use when retiring or changing jobs
clinics, to which they were attached in the previous place

     2) priority free dentures (except
prosthetics with precious metals);

     3) preemptive right to provide sanatoriums
treatment,  as well as to compensate for the cost of self
spa treatment in the order and size,    what
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

     4) annual medical examination and clinical examination involving
necessary specialists;

     5) priority service in treatment and prevention
institutions, pharmacies and primary hospitalization;

     6) use regular annual leave in their convenience
time,  as well as obtaining additional leave without retention
pay for up to two weeks a year;

     7) preemptive right to provide living space for persons,  which
need better living conditions,  and land allocation
plots for individual housing construction,  gardening and
horticulture, priority repair of residential houses and apartments of these
people and providing them with fuel;

     8)  priority of obtaining an individual loan
(cooperative) housing construction with its repayment during 10
years from the fifth year after construction,  but
also the priority of obtaining a loan for construction or acquisition
country houses and gardens improvement;

     9)  preemptive right to join horticultural societies
(cooperatives),  cooperatives for construction and operation
collective garages;

     10) preemptive right to install home telephones;

     11) exemption from payment for land and payment of land

     12) free travel by all types of city passenger
transport (except for taxis),    by road
public use (except for taxis)    in the countryside
areas, as well as suburban rail and water transport
connections and buses of suburban routes within the region
(ARC) residence.

     Discounted travel is provided on condition, if the average
total family income per person for the previous six
months did not exceed the amount of income,  which entitles to
social tax benefit in order,  determined by the Cabinet
Ministers of Ukraine. {  Paragraph 12 articles 7 supplemented by part two
in accordance with Law No. 107-VI (  107-17 ) from 28.12.2007 – change
declared unconstitutional in accordance with the Decision of the Constitutional Court
N 10-pn / 2008 ( v010p710-08 ) from 22.05.2008 }


                                        Law No. 5464-X   p.47, 48, 49






Article 47. Normal residential area

     The norm of living space in the Ukrainian SSR is set at
13,65 One square meter per person.





 Article 48. Size of premises, provided

     Housing is provided to citizens within the norm of housing
Square, but not less than size, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers
Of Ukraine and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine. With
Living area considered in a residential building (apartment),  that is
privately owned by citizens,  if they are not used residential

     When transferring housing to citizens,  which is in their private
property, authority,  which improves housing conditions,  they
have the right to receive housing within the established norm of housing

     Citizens, who received housing in the state fund on these
conditions,  have the right to privatize it in accordance with the requirements
current legislation.

     Housing can be provided in excess of the norm of housing
Square,  if it consists of one room (studio
flat) or intended for persons of different sexes (part two
articles 50).

( Article 48 amended, as amended by the Law N 3187-12  from
06.05.93 )






Article 49. Additional living area

     Over the norm of living space is provided to certain categories of citizens
additional living space in the form of a room or in the amount of ten
square meters. To the citizens,  suffering from severe forms of some
chronic diseases, and citizens, which this area is needed
according to the conditions and nature of the work performed,  additional size
living space can be increased.

     Procedure and conditions for providing additional living space and list
categories of citizens,   who are entitled to receive it,
established by legislation of the USSR.






Article 50. Requirements, relating to premises

     dwelling,  provided to citizens for residence, has
be landscaped in relation to the conditions of the settlement,
meet the established sanitary and technical requirements.

     When providing housing, it is not allowed to settle alone
Rooms persons of different sex,  older than nine years,  except
married couple.

     It is also not allowed to occupy the apartment,  built for
one family,  two or more families or two or more single
people, except, provided for in part five of Article
54 this Code.

     Elderly people,       and in conclusion
treatment and prevention facility also in the relevant categories
disabled and sick at their request accommodation is provided on
lower floors or in buildings with elevators.

                                                     Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers №1589  n.1 nn1,




       providing additional living space entities, that due
      The Chernobyl disaster suffered from radiation sickness
    of any degree or have become disabled, disabled children,
    who need special care, and families, have lost
       breadwinner from among the persons, classified 1


  1. This Procedure is determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine & quot; On
status and social protection of citizens,  affected as a result
The Chernobyl disaster" ( 796-12  )  conditions for providing additional
living space:

     1) people, classified as category 1, undergoing radiation
illness of any degree or became disabled as a result
Chernobyl disaster (paragraph 10 of the first article 20

  2. People,  family,  specified in paragraph 1 hereof,  for
obtain additional living space should be on

housing register for housing improvement.  

 3. Additional living area provided:

people, referred to category 1, who have undergone radiation
illness of any degree or became disabled as a result
Chernobyl disaster,  and children,   who became disabled
as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and need special
care, – in a separate room;


11. If the person,  family,  specified in paragraph 1 of this Order,
reveals a desire to retain the occupied privatized housing,  her
housing is provided with an area not exceeding the difference between the total area
housing,  to which this person is entitled,  family,  and so on, what it takes

 12. Benefit to improve a person's living conditions,  family,
referred to in paragraph 1 hereof, can use once.



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