




















































































































































State Emblem of Ukraine

Case № 761/13280/16-c

Proceedings № 2/761/4856/2016



    09 August 2016 року Шевченківський районний суд м. Kiev in the composition:

presiding judge:                    AV Pihur.

at the secretary:                    Кияшко К.О.,

having considered in open court in a courtroom in. Києві цивільну справу за позовом ОСОБА_1 до Київської міської державної адміністрації, Shevchenko district in. Kyiv State Administration, third person : Social Policy Department of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) про визнання дій протиправними та зобов'язання вчинити дії, –

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In April 2016 year PERSON_1 (further – plaintiff) appealed to the Shevchenkivsky District Court of. Kyiv with a claim to the Kyiv City State Administration (further – defendant 1), Shevchenko district in. Kyiv State Administration (further – defendant 2), third person : Social Policy Department of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) про визнання дій протиправними та зобов'язання вчинити дії.

     Позовні вимоги обґрунтовані тим, that the plaintiff is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and a person, affected by the Chernobyl disaster and category III disability group. By order of the representative of the President of Ukraine in Vatutinsky district of. from Kyiv 07.09.1994 his application was accepted, documents on admission to housing registration according to which the plaintiff and his family are included in the list of citizens, affected by the Chernobyl accident category I and affluent residential area less than 9,0 m. per person. Protocol number 2 from 19.04.2012 meeting of the commission on the distribution of living space, provided to citizens, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, children with disabilities who need special care, families, that survivors among people, classified in category I, adopted by the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) from 18.03.2010 № 151 with changes made by orders of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) from 04.10.2010 № 807 and from 28.11.2011 № 2205 decided the plaintiff with a family of 2 people, is on the housing register at the place of residence in the Desnyansky district and in the register of victims of category I with 07.09.1994 for № 33 case № 11982-A, provide 1-bedroom apartment № 4, living space 18,79 m. located on the 2nd floor of the house ADDRESS_1 and remove from the apartment register the whole family as provided with living space, and case № 11982-A is closed. 20.12.2012 year defendant 2 the plaintiff and his family were issued a warrant № 05144 B series in dwelling, which consists of one room isolated residential area 18,79 sq.m., which is located at: ADDRESS_1. However, надана квартира не відповідає вимогам ДБН «Житлові будинки’, other legal acts, з урахуванням вимогLaw of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’.

Ago, the plaintiff asked the court to recognize the actions of the defendants to provide the plaintiff living space in the form of an apartment ADDRESS_2, яка не відповідає вимогам визначенимHousing Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’ and State building codes. Stone. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. DBN B.2.2-15-2005 illegal; to oblige the Kyiv City State Administration to provide the plaintiff, as a person affected by the Chernobyl disaster of the I category and a disabled person of the III group to a family consisting of two people provided free housing in the form of a separate apartment in. Kiev within the norms of living space, that meets the sanitary and technical requirements, including the provision of Art. 20 Law of Ukraine On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’ в частині надання додаткової жилої площі у вигляді окремої кімнати та відповідає нормативним актам України у галузі будівництва для сімей, which is composed of the disabled and to order the settlement of living space.

At the hearing, the plaintiff and the plaintiff's representative supported the claims and asked the court to satisfy them in full.

Defendant's representative 1 at the hearing he objected to the claims and asked to refuse to satisfy them. An objection to the statement of claim was added to the case file.

Defendant's representative 2 в судове засідання не з'явився, about the day, the time and place of the hearing shall be duly notified, about the reasons of non-appearance of court didn't report, did not object to the statement of claim.

Представник третьої особи в судове засідання не з'явився, about the day, the time and place of the hearing shall be duly notified, about the reasons of non-appearance of court didn't report, did not object to the statement of claim.

Court, after hearing the explanations provided, having examined the case file, considers the claims as such, not subject to satisfaction based on the following.

Everyone has the right to own, use and dispose of their property, the results of his intellectual, creative activity (no. 1 Article. 41 Constitution of Ukraine).

It can be seen from the case file, that PERSON_1 is a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and is a person, affected by the Chernobyl disaster (category and), which is confirmed by a copy of the certificate series NUMBER_1, issued 25 April 2006 year and a copy of the Tab № NUMBER_2 to the identity card (that), which (which) injured (la) by the Chernobyl disaster (A.S. 7).

in addition, according to the copy of the Certificate № 15215С of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the plaintiff is a disabled person of the third group with 30.09.94 year (A.S. 8).

Persons, affected by the Chernobyl disaster, other nuclear accidents and tests, military exercises with the use of nuclear weapons, is: 1) participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident – citizens, who were directly involved in the elimination of the accident and its consequences; 2) victims of the Chernobyl disaster – citizens, including children, affected by radiation from the Chernobyl disaster; 3) citizens, who were directly involved in the elimination of other nuclear accidents and their consequences, in nuclear tests, in military exercises with the use of nuclear weapons, in the assembly of nuclear charges and the implementation of scheduled work on them; 4) citizens, affected by radiation as a result of any accident, violation of the rules of operation of equipment with radioactive substance, violation of the rules of storage and disposal of radioactive substances, which happened not through the fault of the victims (Article. 9 Law of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’).

According to the Extract from the order of the Representative of the President of Ukraine in Vatutinsky district of. from Kiev 07.09.1994 , the number 120 «Про прийняття на квартирний облік громадян Ватутінського району та внесення змін в попередні розпорядження’, where indicated, include gr. PERSON_1, whose family composition: wife – PERSON_2, daughter – PERSON_3, daughter – OSOBA_4, to the list of citizens, affected by the Chernobyl accident in category I and provided with less living space, than 9,0 m. per person (A.S. 9).

PERSON_1 with a family of two 20.12.2012 year Shevchenkivska district in. Kyiv State Administration issued Order № 05144 series B, on the basis of the Order of the head of the district state administration from 20.07.2012 , the number 517, for the right to occupy living space with living space 18,79 sq.m., which consists of one room in an isolated apartment at: ADDRESS_3 (A.S. 10).

The plaintiff in his explanations, set out in the statement of claim, notes, що надана квартира не відповідає вимогам ДБН «Житлові будинки’, other legal acts, з урахуванням вимогLaw of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’.

The norm of living space in the Ukrainian SSR is set at 13,65 One square meter per person (Article. 47 Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSR).

Dwelling granted to citizens within the norm of living space, but not less than size, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (no. 1 Article. 48 Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSR).

But, by Mr.. 2 Decision of the Executive Committee of Kyiv City Council Presidium of the Kiev City Council of Trade Unions 30 April 1991 , the number 234 «Про внесення змін та доповнень до постанови виконкому міськради і президії міськради профспілок від 15.07.85 № 582 «Про порядок застосування у м. Kyiv Rules of citizens' registration, who need better housing, і надання їм житлових приміщень в Українській РСР’’, which was amended in paragraph. 3 Resolutions of the Executive Committee of the City Council and the Presidium of the City Council of Trade Unions from 15.07.85 N 582 «Про порядок застосування у м. Kyiv Rules of citizens' registration, who need better housing, і надання їм житлових приміщень в Українській РСР’, namely: to install, living quarters in. Kiev to citizens within 13,65 quarter. m of living space, but not more than one room per person and at least, how 9 quarter. m of living space. Based on statistical reporting data, to determine the level of average security of citizens in m. Kiev living space 9,0 quarter. m. per person.

ЗгідноArticle. 50 Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSR, living space, provided to citizens for residence, should be landscaped in relation to the conditions of the settlement, meet the established sanitary and technical requirements. When providing accommodation, it is not allowed to occupy one room by persons of different sexes, старшими за дев'ять років, except for spouses. It is also not allowed to occupy the apartment, збудованої для однієї сім'ї, двома і більше сім'ями або двома і більше одинокими особами, except, передбаченого частиною п'ятоюarticles 54 this Code.

Given that, that the plaintiff and his wife received a living space 18,79 sq.m., as well as given that, secondary level of security of citizens in. Kiev is living space 9,0 quarter. m. per person, the court concluded, that the plaintiff received housing within the norm of providing citizens with living space per person, and therefore claims in part recognition of the actions of the defendants to provide the plaintiff living space in the form of an apartment ADDRESS_2, яка не відповідає вимогам визначенимHousing Code of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’ and State building codes. Stone. Residential buildings. Substantive provisions. DBN B.2.2-15-2005 illegal, not subject to satisfaction.

According to p. 1 Article. 14 Law of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’, the following categories of persons are defined for the establishment of benefits and compensations, affected by the Chernobyl disaster: disabled people from among the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and the victims of the Chernobyl disaster, щодо яких встановлено причинний зв'язок інвалідності з Чорнобильською катастрофою, patients with radiation sickness as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe, – category 1.

In accordance with Section. 10 Article. 20 Law of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’, people, classified as category 1, such state-guaranteed compensations and benefits are provided: extraordinary provision of living space for persons, who need better housing (включаючи сім'ї загиблих або померлих громадян). People, specified in this paragraph, provided living space for a year from the date of application, for which local councils allocate annually 15 percent of all housing built (including enterprises, institutions, organizations regardless of ownership). The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine annually allocates capital investments to regional state administrations according to the number of families., in need of better housing. Construction is financed from the State Budget of Ukraine.

In addition to the general grounds, provided by the legislation of Ukraine, following, in need of better housing, recognized persons, who are provided with living space below the level of average security of citizens in a given locality or who live in communal apartments. Persons, undergoing radiation sickness any degree or disabled by the Chernobyl disaster, who need better housing, give extra living area in a separate room (Article. 20 Law of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’).

The procedure for providing additional living space to persons, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, затвердженийResolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31 December 1996 p. № 1589, визначає відповідно доLaw of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’ умови надання додаткової жилої площі: 1) people, classified as category 1, які перенесли променеву хворобу будь-якого ступеня або стали інвалідами внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи.

In accordance with Section. 2 Procedure for additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, persons, family, referred to in paragraph 1 hereof, for more living space should be on the housing register for housing improvement.

Additional living area provided: people, classified as category 1, undergoing radiation sickness any degree or disabled by the Chernobyl disaster, and children, who became disabled as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and need special care, – in a separate room (P. 3 Procedure for additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, затвердженогоResolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31 December 1996 p. № 1589).

clause 7 Procedure for additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, provided, that of the number of persons, families, specified in paragraph 1 of this Procedure and entered in the relevant register, living conditions improved primarily citizens, chronic diseases according to the list approved by the Ministry of Health chronic disease, за наявності яких вони не можуть проживати в комунальній квартирі або в одній кімнаті з членами своєї сім'ї, families, which include Children, that were disabled by the Chernobyl disaster and need special care.

Given that, that n. 2 Procedure for additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, provided, that to obtain additional living space of the person, classified 1, must be on the housing register to improve living conditions, however, the plaintiff did not provide confirmation, that PERSON_1 is on the housing register to improve living conditions.

in addition, the plaintiff in support of its claims, refers to the conclusion of the construction and technical expert study № 161-07 from 10.03.2016 year, whereby, spatial planning solution of the apartment ADDRESS_4, does not meet the requirements of regulations in the field of construction of Ukraine for families with disabled people, in terms of the requirements of paragraph. 2.22, P. 2.27, P. 2.30, P. 2.37, P. 2.39 DBN V.2.2-15-2005 «Residential buildings. Substantive provisions’ (A.S. 18-22).

But, the court considers this conclusion to be inadequate evidence, as there is no confirmation of that in the case file, that PERSON_5 is a forensic expert, and therefore the court rejects this evidence.

According to h. 1 Article. 60 GIC Ukraine, кожна сторона зобов'язана довести ті обставини, to which it refers as the basis of its claims and objections.

Evidence is any factual data, on the basis of which the court establishes the presence or absence of circumstances, substantiating the claims and objections of the parties, and other circumstances, which are important for resolving the case. (no. 1 Article. 57 GIC Ukraine).

The evidence is appropriate, which contain information on the subject of proof. The parties have the right to substantiate the affiliation of specific evidence to support their claims or objections. The court does not consider the evidence, which do not relate to the subject of proof (Article. 58 GIC Ukraine).

The court does not take into account the evidence, which are obtained in violation of the order, established by law. Circumstances of the case, which by law must be confirmed by certain means of proof, cannot be confirmed by other means of proof (no. 1 and h. 2 Article. 59 GIC Ukraine).

so, given the above, the court concluded, that the claims in part of the obligation of the Kyiv City State Administration to provide the plaintiff, as a person affected by the Chernobyl disaster of the I category and a disabled person of the III group to a family consisting of two people provided free housing in the form of a separate apartment in. Kiev within the norms of living space, that meets the sanitary and technical requirements, including the provision of Art. 20 Law of Ukraine On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’ в частині надання додаткової жилої площі у вигляді окремої кімнати та відповідає нормативним актам України у галузі будівництва для сімей, which is composed of the disabled and to order the settlement of living space, not subject to satisfaction.

Куруючись ст.ст.10115758596088179208209212-218294 GIC Ukraine; Law of Ukraine «On the status and social protection, affected by the Chernobyl disaster’; p.p.. 1, 2, 3, 7 Procedure for additional living space entities, who suffered from the Chernobyl disaster radiation sickness any degree or disabled, disabled children, who need special care, and families, that survivors among people, classified 1, затвердженогоResolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 31 December 1996 p. № 1589; Housing Code of the Ukrainian SSRArticle. 41 Constitution of Ukraine, –

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In satisfaction of the claim PERSON_1 to the Kyiv City State Administration, Shevchenko district in. Kyiv State Administration, third person : Social Policy Department of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration) про визнання дій протиправними та зобов'язання вчинити дії – refuse.

The decision can be appealed to the Court of Appeal. Kyiv through the court of first instance by filing an appeal against the decision of the court of first instance within ten days from the date of its promulgation. People, who were involved in the case, but were not present at the hearing when the judgment was pronounced, можуть подати апеляційну скаргу протягом десяти днів з дня отримання копії цього рішення.







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