Standards Law and the provision of public services

Suggestions and questions to the board and chairman of the condominiums k40b

  1. Person 71
  2. Person 4,87,18
  3. On the implementation of the Law
  4. On charges for heating
  5. Про виконання Закону та нарахування за опалення (again)

public appeal

инвалидов войны,

проживающих в доме 40б,

str. Klavdievskaya, g. Kiev

Before. Melnyk condominium AV.

Residents of the house 40b

questions before. Melnyk, for the attention of the inhabitants of the house:

  1. Why is not conducted routine prophylaxis drainage systems 40b houses?
  2. To report, when clogged sewage risers and sewage flooded kitchen;

Prior knowledge of all -

The reason for the frequent clogging the riser, It is, the central riser kitchens, the right wing of the house 40b? instead pipe diameter 110mm, developer TOV "KDK-1" in the construction of, substituted tube diameter 50mm, an additional 30 meter length of the riser is not set no single audit window, throughout 10 floors, (scheme), the sewers can be cleaned with only a roof 40B home, through the drain pipe, cable length 35metrov;

  1. Why not purchased wire length 35metrov, who promised to buy Miller, when it stoked faeces kv.4 last time?

Prior knowledge of all -

(A photo faeces flooded kitchen), this time as the first time, not efficiency of the work was motivated by the lack of a cable length of 35m;

  1. Why signed Acceptance house 40b before. Мельникщь, at terrible as robot brownies common places use, at violations committed by DBN when redevelopment kv.4, if not readiness of cold water supply and drainage, in violation of provision Fire safety at home, on the elimination of which would require funds of apartment owners home, that they will have to pay a second time, because, that the first time they have already paid investors for construction contracts of TOV "KDK-1" in the construction of the house, который по окончанию строительства должен отвечать установленным нормам ДБН в полном объеме? О том, that the work is not carried out in full supported by the facts listed above, and fraud about the fictitious implementation of the construction in full, acknowledges issued by corruption schemes Certificate HF series number 16512244591 from 21.12.2012g;
  2. Why local area 40b at home, right up to the windows of apartments 4, which is home to a person with disabilities for many years housed playground, intended for drinking alcohol and smoking, including walking children, not endurable that create noise in the daytime, in the presence of these children by their parents at this time drink alcohol at the site which is available with the permission of KCSA corrupt officials in violation of the established norms:

P.3.16 DBN 360-92, p.5.1.7. DBN V2.2-25:2009 с игнорированием ограничений установленных нормами распоряжения № 585 from 16.06.2015g. "On approval of the Comprehensive plan of location of temporary structures shopping, household, social, cultural or other purposes for doing business in the city. Kiev ",

  1. Why during the day on the site was built protizakonno drink alcohol purchased, clock in implementing liquor shop "Alexander", which is located in the left wing of the house 40b, в нежилом помещении №101.
  2. In front of. Miller is why you are not satisfied, 15, 16 ZU "On Condominiums"? Ты как и власть Украины не догоняешь в силу юридической безграмотности, that to restore order and create narmalno environment for people to live in any area, You need to perform, 3, 5, 6, 8, 19, 22 Constitution of Ukraine, including Ukrainian laws which do not contradict the Constitution of Ukraine, and R / P does not receive the position of employment, and for the final result executable functions.
  3. We remind all, 40b installed in the house pricing 7.50 UAH. payment for 1 (one) quarter. m. flat area, of this amount is enough to have a normal home management company 40B, proceeding with information, that the average pay price of g. Kiev ranges from 5,69 UAH. до 6,50грн. for 1 (one) m, услуг управляющей компаний, компаний, who has experience, frames, including the technical means necessary for the normal operation of apartment buildings, а также обладающими эффективным опытом защиты жителей дома включая инвалидов Чернобыля и инвалидов войны от нарушений прав установленных Законом для этих граждан. 40b are in the house unfortunately violated without exception crooks, scams, embezzlers, and illiterate sample heads 2013-2019 of the year.
  4. This appeal is considered official, take immediate measures to eliminate all violations of operating 40b houses, and respecting the rights of tenants, especially people with disabilities and disabled veterans of Chernobyl, and for stable performance and to prevent violations in the future will soon sign a contract with the management company narmalno.
  5. If you ignore even one paragraph of the appeal, решение о назначении управляющей компании будет решаться через органы государственного управления или через судебную инстанцию.

Обращение подписали инвалиды войны


signature Person 4

signature Person 87.

signature Person 18.



On the implementation of the Law


When will the meter heat ? The question of 03.03.2019r. response is not received. We have board, Chairman of the Board ? Where audit committee, which would conduct an audit on budget as 31.12.2018 p. and the activities of the Board. Was the report of the Board on budget for 01.01.2019 p. the general meeting condominiums ? And the board can operate without general meeting approved estimates for condominiums 2019 p. ? What may perform services for house maintenance and local area without repairs approved by the general meeting condominiums sound work plan on 2019 p ? A condominium or reported to the tax office for the district Sviatoshynsky 2018 g., If the government is not accountable to the general meeting of condominiums, not approved by general meeting condominiums report ? І ще багато питань, that under the current legislation should be debated and adopted appropriate decisions on them by the general meeting of condominiums. Therefore, when checking the appropriate orhanayy our condominium can be eliminated and the trustee appointed KCSA decision without our consent.

04.03.2019 12:49

Not everyone understands, and do not read all applicable laws, які регулюють діяльність об’єднань співвласників багатоквартирних будинків та його взаємодії з суб’єктами, providing utilities (Power supply, gas supply, heat, hot and cold water supply and sanitation, вивезення твердих побутових відходів. обслуговування ліфтів. Also, not everyone knows how to handle personal issues need to unite, а по яким питанням звертатися особисто до постачальників комунальних послуг. Not everyone knows, that the Law of Ukraine “On housing services” will 9 November 2017 year. As part of the articles of this law the general meeting of our association were required to make important decisions before May 2018 year. As part of the articles of association of law to decide by May 2019 year. And making these decisions requires training not one month, and we can be the worst offenders existing legislation. And these questions is to provide services for reasonable prices, affecting our own bills, have become a burden for taxpayers.

By the way. In condominiums Street. Bulakhovsky chairman and the board condominiums omission and violations and misappropriation of funds and co vidizvaly board chairman and elected the new composition of the Board. I am not this, a radical action and without hearing the report of the Board to withdraw our Board. But I think we also like actions of our government and to take necessary measures for the implementation of government in the legal field. Who does not work in the legal field are equally ever be brought to legal liability. They say many are not twisted thread, and the end will. Urge you not to give us the possibility to get in trouble. Let's Unite union and stand in the full sense of the word. I understand, someone does not like my reference. I apologize, but if we do not then shamenemsya, when trouble occurs, then it will be too late. Sorry again by.

15.02.2019 13:06

I know, all issues, to be performed by combining the laws and the charter board must conduct a public survey process owners, The proposals to prepare a draft decision association and bring to a general meeting of union. To this end, I tried several times to meet with the chairman of O Melnyk. G.. But at the time of his admission it is nyet, it is not. I, as the owner requested a statement in writing, asking him publicly. Waiting at the door of 20-00 year. to 21-00 year. Asked manager tell me, Oh come when Miller. G.. ABOUT 22 year. 30 min my question answered Manager, that it is not. Weekdays it is not, Saturday either. The phone calls he also does not meet. This co-owners know. The law and the charter (Article. 10 Law ) governing bodies the general meeting of owners, rule, audit committee of association. The supreme body of the association is the general meeting. Law does not provide, chairman of the Board is the governing body. clause 5 Sources of financing section, procedure of using property and funds provided association, that means union, including repair costs, Reserve funds are spent in accordance with the rule of estimates, approved by the general meeting of owners, та окремими рішеннями загальних зборів співвласників. Кошторис за поданням правління щороку затверджується загальними зборами не пізніше 01 January this year. A board report was last year ? A union audit committee has fulfilled its obligations to the general meeting. by Mr.. 18 Statute of the association ? And were the general meeting of owners ? All decisions on the activities of the association accepts only, Management Board as a body in accordance with a general meeting of union. Chairman of the Board at its discretion has no right to spend money and transfer property owners. All cost and transfer of property owners, which were held Melnyk O. D. at 2018 year report and without costs 2019 he is illegal and classified, as no target costs are classified in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine. And it can be, both for their own chairman and for heavy fines on owners. Actually for me, retiree, it will not be paid. If you are interested violations, which can lead to prosecution association is at your request can give pure laws and regulations a word from you

15.02.2019 13:25.

By the way. In condominiums Street. Bulakhovsky chairman and the board condominiums omission and violations and misappropriation of funds and co vidizvaly board chairman and elected the new composition of the Board. I am not this, a radical action and without hearing the report of the Board to withdraw our Board. But I think we also like actions of our government and to take necessary measures for the implementation of government in the legal field. Who does not work in the legal field are equally ever be brought to legal liability. They say many are not twisted thread, and the end will. Urge you not to give us the possibility to get in trouble. Let's Unite union and stand in the full sense of the word. I understand, someone does not like my reference. I apologize, but if we do not then shamenemsya, when trouble occurs, then it will be too late. Sorry again by.

15.02.2019 13:25.

Hello Dear co-owners association. I carefully before oznayomlyuvavsya and especially with your recent legal issues and legal nature of the support of our association. All you have ascertained, that the activities association, soft words, our need bad . So we pay, and in the future will pay more, for housing and communal services. they, which is in the work of our association can lead to unintended consequences. section : The purpose of the, objectives and nature of business association Mr.. 1 provided, stvoennya that the purpose of association is to ensure and protect the rights owners, compliance with their duties, nalezhene maintenance and use of common property house, ensure timely flow of funds to pay all fees, provided by law and this Statute. P. 3 The task and the subject of unification is : ensuring the rights of owners to own and use common property ; zabezpchennya proper maintenance of a multistory building and local area ; co-owners assistance in obtaining housing and other services of good quality at reasonable prices ; enforcement co-owners of their duties, повязаних з діяльностю обєднання. В юриспруденції є правило, if you do not know, how do do : the law. I, as a specialist in housing and communal sphere and I, find a lawyer, that the activities of our association does not comply with current legislation and zatverzhenoho general meeting of the association at the founding meeting of our association.

15.02.2019 10:32

Chairman of the boards of condominiums “Klavdiyiiska 40
B” Melnyk O. G..
Co-owner association
A secret. AND..


Applying the Law of Ukraine “About condominiums”, “On housing services” Статуту обєднання” Resolution of the Cabinet and number 712 from 05.09.2018 p. I ask you 14.02.2019 p. ( So. as stated in the ad) about 20-00 year. take me on a number of issues of association. Прошу бути без запізнення. Секрет А.І.


Again, no hot ! What is going on kennel ? We have board. We have a chairman. More recently it was also. I wrote that, chairman before leaving the house should ascertain the condition of a house, then uhodyty. Also offered vykonuaty dispatchers his job required * bandages listed in the job description. Ми сплачуємо за послуги і не малі кошти.Тепер будемо цілий день сидіти без гарячої води. And the head does not know * their required bonds and reads. The main thing he knows, both of our contributions to illegally take money for it allegedly work for 8 hours of house. I wrote about this before, but he did not co-owners did not pay attention to my warnings. Have indifferent to the poor state of service provision read Law Ukraine ” About condominiums” Charter and our condominium and you'll see, how many rules does not comply chairman. Last summer not made some important work to prepare for winter. Now uzhye there are still possible in winter unforeseen emergency turmoil in the house. The head is pratsyuvty in the house and get a legitimate salary for a general meeting, as provided in current legislation. Closed board. We do not require. So we become hostages. Someone can be a defender head. It is their right. Sorry for openness. But the law is the law and must perform.

02.01.2019 11:31

У НАШОМУ БУДИНКУ 30% Co-owners have benefits and subsidies, There are so, WHAT ARE EVEN 100% BENEFITS paying for housing services. But these categories are not charged PAYMENT REDUCTION. SO WHEN WE ALREADY conclude agreements with Kievvodokanalom for cold WATER DRAINAGE.? ХВАТИТЬ СПІВВЛАСНИКАМ ЗІ СВОЄЇ ЗЛИДЕННОЇ ПЕНСІЙНОЇ КИШЕНІ СПЛАЧУВАТИ ! THEY these funds earned, And some YOUR HEALTHY.

02.01.2019 11:50


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