WORK- PTO – Confederation united reason – планеты Земля Интегрировано – дифференцированная структура объединения A wise man with brain capable of synthesis. ABOUTunite on a voluntary, free of charge для ускорения прогресса развития социального общества на планете Земля.
In the process of development of the KOR, the PZ has two organizational and legal forms:
Confederation united reason
Create and Registerbuttion RAC
published in Dbutflax-time with the permanent addition
Information for members of the CDF Ukraine, (Further – WORK-V168), available on a password, including up to each regional unit, (hereinafter referred to as – KOR-V168S1, KOR-V168S2, KOR-V168S3, KOR-V168S4, WORK-V168S5, KOR-V168S6, KOR-V168S7, KOR-V168S8, KOR-V168S9, WORK-V168S10, WORK-V168S11, KOR-V168S12, KOR-V168S13, KOR-V168S14, KOR-V168S15, KOR-V168S16, KOR-V168S17, WORK-V168S18, KOR-V168S19, WORK-V168S20, WORK-V168S21, WORK-V168S22, WORK-V168S23, WORK-V168S24, KOR-V168S25, WORK-B168C26, KOR-B168C27), password for access to the CDF-V168Sn, где n=1 до 27, provided admin.ChAESV, in the preparation of the protocol on the establishment of regional units.
Information on members of the CDF-V168, as well as its members of the CDF-V168Sn, will be open to the public after the CDF-V168 registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, which will be carried out after the Preparation 14 Protocols of the CDF-B168Cn.
The following information is provided to citizens of Ukraine for reflection and decision-making – to take or not to participate in the integrated process of building a state for the people of Ukraine, for each of us personally, including our future generations.
Regardless of us and we have decided such a society on the planet Earth will be built, это Закон эволюции социальных систем.
KOR-V168 is a free association of citizens of Ukraine on a voluntary basis for the implementation of programs in the field - Pollittandlogical, economic, social construction, State and complete the frame structure of the Legislative, Executive, judicial management, personnel who were tested for aptitude, management practices for a period at least two years on the model of the National People's Association (NGO), способных системно осуществлять управление государством на основе разработанных программ КОР от имени народа на благо народа Украины..
Members of the CDF-V168 - are all capable citizens of Ukraine, including the leaders of public organizations, without any restrictions, and obligations. Especially valuable for CDF-V168 are citizens – having active citizenship, opposition views to the lack of power of the state, publicly expressed their opinions on the activities of the authorities by pointing to the shortcomings of the current government, а также все граждане изъявившие добровольное желание принимать участие в интеграции совместных действий в программах КОР-В168 в том числе в подборе кадров в органы управления программами, developed KOR-V168.
KOR-V168 is the political association of citizens with the all-Ukrainian status, created by citizens of at least three people.
KOR-V168 initiates the creation of the CDF-V168S1, KOR-V168S2,……, KOR_V168S27 in each region, (the), Ukraine, they are citizens of at least three people, prepared by protocol, (in duplicate), signed by three people, signature notarized, one protocol is transmitted in BCD-V168, on admission 14 protocols of 27, KOR-V168 conducts the registration of CDF-V168 in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
ATwithem invited, (invitation is valid until the registration of CDF-V168 in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine), including their own expressed desire to take part in the programs CHAESV, to bear in mind that among the members of the CDF:
There is no division among members of the same level by the level of intelligence and other traits;
Among CDF all its members are independent and free to choose the CDF program in which they are expressed voluntarily participate.
CDF programs consist of questions, related political, economic, social areas including those associated with the management of the Legislative, Executive, litigation.
Participation of members in the programs of the CDF estimated, по оценкам осуществляется отбор членов в органы управления государством.
assessment level is determined by the number of integrated around the point of view of a member nation, as well as compliance with the point of view of a member of, foundations CDF programs – Natural human rights,
Assessment established name – The level of leadership people integration, (short – globulin) its value takes a value 0 to 1.
globulin- estimates determined in three periods –
Globulin-1 initial – охватывает период до членства в КОР, CDF membership, Prior to selecting-advance period, or dependent RAC, период до регистрации в кандидаты для участия в выборах в органы управления социальным обществом.
Globulin-2 Elections advance – охватывает период от начала окончания выборов до итечения трех месяцев прыбывания в органах управления социальным обществом после окончачания выборов.
INLIN-3 final - covers the period of former members of the CDF who are chosen on the advice and assistance of the CDF to the legislative, Executive, judicial management, on the period of suspension control for a negative control result or the end of the term of office until the next election to the management bodies, оценка является основной и окончательной оценкой личности на право заниматься управленческой деятельностью в социальном обществе..
The value takes a value from WuLin 0 to 1 units, CDF is calculated by the system, its value depends on the number of voters of the state, (in Ukraine 38 560 650 a man of elections held in 2019 year) and the number of integrated supporters been supporting the views of members of CDF, which is estimated activity.
TOonfederatsiya combined intelligence
(preliminary design)
3. members
3.1. The rights
3.2. Обязанности
4. Structure
5. The principle of an independent examination system
6. Finance
7. Control
The purpose of creation – 'Confederation combined the mind ", (further - KDP), have a permanent opposition to the social public authorities, (further - Ofsted) and their officials, (further -KOR USO) - with 02.02.2019g. there is opposition to the current legislative, executive, The judiciary of the state in the future opposition to the current legislative, Executive, Judicial control by the People's National Association, (Further – NGO). (in details)
Field of activity – forms on a voluntary basis candidates from experts with sufficient knowledge and experience, and assigns to them the opposition Legislative bodies, Executive, Judicial control DNAs, develops programs for the progressive development of the society, publish them publicly, organizes and accompanies candidates for the elections to the Legislative, Executive, judicial management. After the elections, the opposition turns to cast to the management bodies, on the basis of accumulated and used information corrects the strategy and tactics of their opposition activities.
members of the CDF – may be citizens, having such properties, signs: Opposition views to the lack of power of the state; Having publicly expressing their opinions about the government activities by pointing to the shortcomings of the current government; Expressed a desire to unite the members in the CDF for the integration of joint actions in the permanent organ of the opposition; Who combine voice and their further involvement for worthy candidates, избираемых в органы управления социальным обществом.
Membership in the CDF three tier
1Level Member – "Legally – Expert level ":
citizens, which were not in power, provided systematically informed opposition views, by systemic valid conclusions.
2Level Member – "Executive – Expert level ";
citizens, who were in power, provided systematically informed opposition views, by systemic valid conclusions.
3Level Member – "Selectively-control level"
citizens, all the people of the state in the main part of an active citizenship – whose interests are the basis of the state and all the processes of its functioning, направленные на осуществление интересов народа в целом.
The principle of an independent examination system