Radical Party Oleg Lyashko

Election program


protection UKRAINE!


Dear compatriots. We wrote the program Farmer of the words, doctor, teacher, and retired miner. Our team and its leader Oleg Lyashko traveled thousands of miles and hundreds of meetings held throughout Ukraine. We know, what lives every Ukrainian. We will begin to change the country from simple things.


To start, do so, that each Ukrainian was full fridge, which is found in meat daily, not just for the holidays. To grandmother did not choose - eat it, medical treatment or to pay for communal. To parents do not give up children, because it does feed. To our doctors and teachers did not go to Poland to wash toilets, а мали гідну зарплату в Україні. To every child, regardless of wealth parents, was able to get a profession. To land did not belong to the oligarchs and foreigners, and Ukrainian farmers.





Bardak, chaos, devastation - it's consequences, that the state is no strong vertical, no owner, order and responsibility. In Parliament over 400 "Celestials", of which goes to work on the strength of a quarter. The president, Prime Minister and Parliament are fighting among themselves for power. They all think about their ratings and pockets - and we think about people. Therefore, we will reduce the number of deputies to 250, ministries - to 10, enough to feed parliamentary parasites. А щоб унеможливити узурпацію влади – ми вже добилися ухвалення законів про імпічмент та Тимчасові слідчі комісії, which will safeguard against new Yanukovych.

We hold true judicial reform – liberate all the old prosecutors and judges, and new - elect people. Every Ukrainian should know, would find the truth in court without money.





The root of all our ills - poverty. It generates a total injustice, corruption and chaos. To overcome poverty and give people confidence in the future - our main task.


Jobs for everyone, decent income, fair prices and tariffs - this is what we fight! Justice - when the front gets Sniper 80 thousand, and sniper NABU - 15 thousand, not vice versa, as of now. Justice - when milkmaids and pig get more pension, than prosecutors, For the first life difficult pahaly, and the second sitting in the chair warm. Justice - a former collective farm recalculation of pensions, who worked for the "tick" and workdays. We will establish state regulation of prices for medicines and foods - that Ukrainian did not go to stores and pharmacies, both museums. Let's make the program affordable housing for young people - to families with children are not wandering in the corners, and have their own homes.




Because of the low income, and by closing the vocational schools, today carpenters, Welding, Builders and tractor day with fire will not find. Earth plow and put no eggs. With this policy of China will soon prescribe combine. We have the strength and the will to change this! For workers without jobs we do not raise the economy. Today every child, especially in rural, poor families, has applied to receive such knowledge, that will feed it. And the state should increase the demand on trades. Those, who taught, should get decent scholarships, which can survive.




Enough already be a donor material Ukraine, talent and labor for the more advanced countries! Ukraine - producer, rather than raw donor and debtor. We renew and expand national industry construction. Ukraine respected in the world, will invest in our economy. Lift social standards. Will lower gas prices and utility rates to a fair level. To realize this, radically changing approaches public policy:

Not eating away foreign loans, and investment in the economy!

Do not import foreign products, and support national manufacturer!

No IMF demands, and the interests of the Ukrainian people!

No sweeping privatization, and effective management of state property!

No sale of farmland to foreigners, and the protection of farmers!

No tariff increase, and enerhomodernizatsiya and own gas production!

Do not "squeezing juice" with entrepreneurs, and investment incentives, cheap loans and limiting inspections!

No savings in science and education, and reliance on intelligence and innovation!

No mass emigration, and job creation as a priority in Ukraine №1!

The introduction of our economic policy will: over 100 billion of private investment in the economy, more 1 million jobs and stop the mass emigration Ukrainian, economic growth 8-10% a year instead of the current 2-3%. To achieve this - our team has developed and implements the "anti-crisis plan economic development" and "Industrial package of reforms".




As Lord gave Emirates oil, as Ukraine - land. We could feed the world, and they go cap in hand for loans. The government wants to force peasants to give up land for a song, then sell it and make multinational corporations Ukrainian laborers. Sell ​​land can once. What we leave children? Therefore, it is necessary to sell products, grown on land. We initiated constitutional amendments, Secure that all Ukrainian farmers land for the foundation and make the agricultural system of the country farmers. To return to the countryside cow - give grants, minimum 5000 USD beast. Our bill "stop raiding" protect farmers and not let them take away the bandits land and property.

When every village will ahropererobka, bread, Sausage factory - then farmers will work, back to the village youth, life and children's laughter.

Land - General, but not only our wealth. There is a forest, gas, coal, amber. Authorities did not appreciate, and all rozbazaryuye. Instead of, giving of Lviv, Volyn, Pavlograd miners - buys coal in Africa, Америці та Росії. Instead of, щоб збільшувати видобуток власного газу – купує його в країни-агресора. Instead of, щоб розвивати вітчизняну деревообробку – хоче зняти наш мораторій на заборону вивозу лісу-кругляка на догоду МВФ. Ми збільшимо видобуток власного газу, відмовимося від імпортного, покладемо край корупції «Нафтогазу», що дозволить знизити ціну на газ мінімум вдвічі. За комуналку українці будуть платити не більше 15% своїх доходів, but not 60-80%, as of now. Дамо субсидії, якщо буде потреба, та безкоштовно встановимо лічильники. Люди будуть платити лише за те, що споживають.




Люди втомилися від війни на Донбасі. Вона забрала і продовжує забирати найкращих наших людей. Ми готові зробити все для миру. Але не ціною капітуляції. Наша мета – перемога та повернення всіх окупованих територій Криму і Донбасу. А перемогти у війні ми зможемо лише тоді, коли матимемо сильну економіку, сильну армію. Коли військові на фронті будуть нагодовані, із сучасною технікою, гідними зарплатами, а їхні сім’ї вдома – захищені соціально і матеріально. Ніхто в світі не поважає слабких. Але ніхто не зацікавлений у тому, щоб Україна стала сильною. У нас намагаються забрати землю, ліс, трудовий потенціал, заморозити нашу економіку в обмін на ярмо кредитів. Нас це не влаштовує! Ми будемо жорстко відстоювати національні інтереси на міжнародній арені. Instead of, щоб гнути спину перед «партнерами» – вимагатимемо від них виконання Будапештського меморандуму. Адже підписавши цей документ, Україна відмовилася від третього у світі ядерного потенціалу в обмін на гарантії безпеки. Якщо документ не виконується – ми маємо повне право заявляти про відновлення статусу ядерної держави. З іншого боку, ми вимагаємо прямої військової угоди з США. Нам потрібне партнерство не на словах, а на ділі!

Поки ми в парламенті – нікому не дозволимо забрати у нас мову, розбазарювати наші землі і топтатися по українській душі.




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