House defects OSBB 2 and obstacles to their elimination

        A way to collect more fully defects at home OSB 2, following:   Residents of each apartment file those defects, which they know by apartment, through the hall, so at home writes them on a piece of paper,  then pass to the dispatcher, which groups the same type,  will bring them to one common list, Further, specialists work in terms of terminology and professional grouping. After this list is estimated, official developer, certified by the seal of this developer. From this moment on, this document has legal force..

House defects OSBB 2 kv.4:

1. Redevelopment and reconstruction of quarter 4 of condominiums 2

2. There is no balcony (loggia)

3. Area 4 does not meet the standards

4. Bathroom apartment 4 does not meet the standards

5. The width of the kitchen sq.4 does not meet the standards

6. Natural lighting of the kitchen apartment 4 does not meet the norm

7. Natural lighting of the corridor to apartment 4 does not meet the norm

8. The supply of hot water to the kitchen of quarter 4 does not meet the norm

9. Ventilation of apartment 4 does not correspond to norm

10. Drainage, in the kitchen apartment 4 does not meet the norm

11. Heating, in quarter 4 does not meet the norm

12. Excessive noise in apartment 4 (as a consequence, raiding equipment Cafe and attached summer playground)

 Part of the list of violations, namely item 6, item 8, Claim 9, Claim 10, Claim 11, Claim 12 С3967 quoted in Viber:

1. (more is paragraph 7)   There is no normal daylight in the kitchen; ( design violation)

2. (more is paragraph 10)  There is no normal sewage in the kitchen; (design violation)

3. (more is paragraph 11)   There is no normal heating; (design violation)

4. (rather it is item 9)    Exhaust ventilation does not work; ( design violation)

5. (rather it is p.8)    No hot water;  (design violation)

6. (rather it is item 12)  Increased noise in the apartment (as a result of raider installation

Cafe Equipment)

7.   Fire exit right wing of the house (exit doors have huge gaps)

8.   Missing door handles (from the common corridor of the right wing to the fire exit)

       This is forgery and illegal re-planning,  which is carried out after receiving the Certificate,  therefore, these defects are subject to inclusion in the Act of defects, otherwise it will be hemorrhoids OSB for the rest of his life for the entire time of the existence of the house.

               And now the answer P5576 to the question a lot, whether I achieved during an appeal to power, look for the answer in the answer D4476, is, we can not,  fix design errors,  ie. «Alien fate is empty for us»  – with such an attitude we have to each other and our opponents have in all respects and will continue to have .

               And now how to fix design errors, simply, this is a remodeled two bedroom apartment, return to original state, for funds ZAT & quot; UBC" and TOV & quot; KDK-1 & quot; and CMDA,    which are the customer of re-planning and the ideologist of legal lawlessness in. Kiev.


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