All-Ukrainian Union TORCH PARTY

Election programs of political parties

"All-Ukrainian Union" torch "

We all change! Ukraine will have a strong economy, and peace will be created comfortable conditions for life and business. Our team is not afraid to take responsibility for every decision their, because we believe, we can build a new strong Ukraine, where everyone feels safe, which borders protected, young people do not go abroad, and then can get decent wages. The minimum pension up to the minimum wage. Doctors and teachers get higher salaries. And most importantly - corruption should remain in the past.

Our action plan:

I The economic future of Ukraine

We will raise the level of the economy through clustering and establishment of industrial parks. Create new jobs we can by small and medium enterprises. Prepare a comfortable basis for possible business conditions concessional lending and comfortable taxation.

The legislation will ensure uniform conditions for all participants, which will prevent ambiguous interpretation of the law depending on the status and powers of the citizen.


The world II in Ukraine

Ukrainian independent state and indivisible. We support peaceful conflict resolution, but by the conditions of the Budapest Memorandum.

We aim to launch awareness campaign, creating information platform, whose purpose is to convey accurate information to the Russian people, that the present war is not interested in ordinary people, and the oligarchs – as Russian, так і українські. To resolve the conflict with two sides – as russian, and Ukrainian.

III Decentralization and public administration reform

Decentralization - obviously, the most important reform in our country, because it is through the reallocation of budget funds given the opportunity to leave the field, which today can be spent on infrastructure development (roads, educational institutions, Medicine) and strategic projects, which, in turn,, will give impetus to the development of each region. Therefore, we fully support the early start this process at full capacity.

IV Quality of Life

The world is changing, and we with him. they, that several years ago was relevant, today it loses all meaning and sense. We support the continued health and education reforms, but with mandatory annual review of the state of change in these areas. One of our main objectives will boost the quality of life for vulnerable people. We must take seriously the environmental state of our country.

Ukraine should be a country, where there is no discrimination based on sex, of faith, language or nationality.


Here is a plan for a political party "All-Ukrainian Union" Torch "we offer for the development of Ukraine and wants to present every Ukrainian, who wants to live in a wealthy, peaceful and independent Ukraine.


Голова Політичної партії

"All-Ukrainian association" Torch " Однорог Т.В.


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